• Merkel praises mentor Kohl

    Merkel praises mentor Kohl

    rome June 16, 2017 20:39 Hot Recent News

    Angela Merkel commemorated her old CDU mentor Helmut Kohl in a speech in Rome, where the German Chancellor has an interview with Pope Franciscus on Saturday. 'The Germans were very lucky with Kohl,' said Merkel. She also praises him as a big European.

  • Writing error caused by terrain alarm Rock am Ring

    Writing error caused by terrain alarm Rock am Ring

    berlin June 14, 2017 12:33 Hot Recent News

    A writer-out of two names of staff has caused the terrorist alarm and the subsequent evacuation of the German pop festival Rock am Ring. That reported German media Wednesday. About 87,000 people had to finish the festival ground in the Eifel on Friday 2 June, and the event was interrupted.

  • Hungary puts out Neonazi Mahler

    Hungary puts out Neonazi Mahler

    boedapest/berlijn June 13, 2017 13:15 Hot Recent News

    The infamous Neonazi Horst Mahler was deprived of Hungary, after he had previously asked for asylum. The Hungarian authorities put the elderly German on a plane to his homeland on Tuesday. The 81-year-old Mahler arrived in Berlin in the afternoon, reported the newspaper Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten.

  • Fors more British become Germans

    Fors more British become Germans

    berlin June 13, 2017 10:03 Hot Recent News

    The number of Britons who had German nationality was 360 percent higher in 2016 than one year earlier. According to the German federal statistics agency Destatis, there are 2865 people. According to the organization, this has to do with the forthcoming UK departure from the EU.

  • Temporary border controls Germany

    Temporary border controls Germany

    berlin June 12, 2017 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Germany has temporarily re-established border controls in connection with the forthcoming G20 summit in Hamburg on Monday. The measure has been taken to prevent potential violators from entering the country, said the Interior Ministry.

  • Merkel excited about first win Macron

    Merkel excited about first win Macron

    berlin June 12, 2017 08:24 Hot Recent News

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated French president Emmanuel Macron on his victory in the first election round of parliamentary elections on Monday. The new party of President La République and Marche! (LRM) achieved 32 percent of the votes on Sunday and won a major victory.

  • Germans have spent at least five years in Afghanistan

    Germans have spent at least five years in Afghanistan

    berlin June 10, 2017 06:09 Hot Recent News

    The German army will remain in Afghanistan for at least five years, probably even longer. 'In Kosovo we have been stationed for twenty years, in Afghanistan it is likely that an even longer effort will be needed to get a stable situation,' said Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen.

  • Fifth attack in Europe in half year time

    Fifth attack in Europe in half year time

    london June 4, 2017 08:45 Hot Recent News

    There is an icy silence around London Bridge and Borough Market. The eight bells of St Paul's are hanging above the Thames water. Like a Sunday morning, but now everything gets more meaning after another attack. The attack on Saturday night in London is the fifth within six months in Western Europe. In three cases, the attack took place in England. Four times a car was used as a scavenger.

  • Russia and China emphasize 'Paris'

    Russia and China emphasize 'Paris'

    moscow June 1, 2017 13:09 Hot Recent News

    Russia and China expressed their support for the climate treaty of Paris on Thursday. This happened while the international community was awaiting suspending US president Donald Trump wanting to withdraw his country from the international agreement.

  • IS put offender Berlin under pressure

    IS put offender Berlin under pressure

    berlin May 31, 2017 20:09 Hot Recent News

    The victim of the attack at the Christmas market in Berlin in December was put under pressure by members of Islamic State (IS) to appoint the massacre. That's what German media reported Wednesday on the basis of information from the research that has been considered closed for some time now.

  • Juncker: US can not agree

    Juncker: US can not agree

    berlin May 31, 2017 19:33 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump may want the United States to abandon the Paris climate treaty, but that's all but a simple process. That said Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday evening during a student meeting in Berlin.

  • Germany leaves 'terrorist' free

    Germany leaves 'terrorist' free

    potsdam May 31, 2017 16:54 Hot Recent News

    The seventeen-year-old Syrian who was arrested in Germany on Tuesday because he had planned to commit a suicide bomb in Berlin was released on Wednesday. The suspicions are not as strong as initially thought, according to the judiciary.

  • Berlin checks 80,000 asylum seekers

    Berlin checks 80,000 asylum seekers

    berlin May 31, 2017 16:48 Hot Recent News

    The German Bureau for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is to advance tens of thousands of positive asylum decisions. That is what the Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said on Wednesday after a committee meeting in the Bundestag. The control would be done, but has now been reached. There are about 80,000 to 100,000 files in which a residence permit has been granted in the period 2015-2016. The research will begin this summer.

  • Germany prevented NATO summit in Turkey

    Germany prevented NATO summit in Turkey

    berlin May 31, 2017 08:21 Hot Recent News

    Germany, together with, among others, has planned a plan to hold a NATO Summit in Istanbul. This reported the newspaper Die Welt Wednesday. Turkish President Erdogan invited the Western Alliance to the summit in Warsaw last year to come to Turkey.

  • Syrian teenager scheduled attack in Berlin

    Syrian teenager scheduled attack in Berlin

    potsdam May 30, 2017 14:18 Hot Recent News

    The German police arrested a seventeen-year-old Syrian who wanted to commit a suicide bomb in Berlin. The asylum seeker was arrested in the Uckermark region, north of the capital. That happened after a tip of his family that he had been radicalized. What the teenager's goal was, was not disclosed by the authorities.

  • India is sticking to climate agreement

    India is sticking to climate agreement

    berlin May 30, 2017 14:15 Hot Recent News

    India adheres to the climate treaty of Paris, even if the United States withdraws from the agreement. That said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Berlin against German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said a source within the delegation.

  • Trump returns to Germany

    Trump returns to Germany

    washington May 30, 2017 12:45 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump pulled hard to Berlin on Tuesday. 'We have a huge trade deficit with the Germans,' he tweeted. 'In addition, they draw too little money for NATO and the armed forces. That's very bad for the US and this is going to change. '

  • Listener AfD wants a ban on headgear

    Listener AfD wants a ban on headgear

    berlin May 27, 2017 15:42 Hot Recent News

    German politician Alice Weidel, one of the two list tractors of the right-populist party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), wants to prohibit wearing a headscarf in some places. That's what she said in an interview with Berlin's 'Tagesspiegel' (syndication). Completely veiled by daily life, is absolutely inconsistent.

  • Gabriel criticized Trump

    Gabriel criticized Trump

    berlin May 26, 2017 17:12 Hot Recent News

    The celebrated performance of former President Barack Obama in Berlin was given a follow-up on Friday with criticism of his successor Donald Trump. The German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel approved the policy of the current US president. He claimed to increase defense spending to 2 percent of gross domestic product.

  • Merkel threatens Erdogan with departure troops

    Merkel threatens Erdogan with departure troops

    brussels May 25, 2017 15:39 Hot Recent News

    Germany withdraws its troops from the Turkish air force base, Incirlik, as German parliamentarians who can not visit. This threatened German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday at the NATO summit in Brussels, where also Turkish President Erdogan is present. Merkel will convey the message 'very clearly' to him.

  • Threatening Germans leave Erdogan cold

    Threatening Germans leave Erdogan cold

    ankara May 24, 2017 16:54 Hot Recent News

    When the German soldiers are withdrawn from the Incirlik air force in Turkey, the Turkish government says 'goodbye.' The departure of troops would be no big problem for Turkey, 'Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in Ankara.

  • Brussels waits for Trump's arrival

    Brussels waits for Trump's arrival

    brussels May 23, 2017 14:42 Hot Recent News

    In Brussels it is all the goats to cover the two-day visit of Donald Trump, who has been looking forward to excitement for months. More than 4000 police officers must ensure safety and activists in charge.

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