Prague is the capital and the greatest city of the Czech Republic.

In the past it was also the capital of Czechoslovakia. It is located on the Vltava River in Central Bohemia and has a population of 1.2 million. According to business statistics, in addition to this number, 300,000 people live in Prague without official registration. Prague is shown by a large audience as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Prague is also known as the "Golden City", "Left Bank of the Nineteenth Century", "Fairy Tale City", "The City of the Inland" and "The Heart of Europe".

A feature of Prague is II. It has not suffered much in World War II. It houses many historical houses and places. These places include St. Vitus Cathedral is also included. Tourism has been very popular in recent years.

Since 1992, Prague's historic center is on the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

  • Prague gets pirate as mayor

    Prague gets pirate as mayor

    prague November 12, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    The Czech capital Prague has been a mayor from the ranks of the Pirate Party since Monday. The new Mayor Zdenek Hrib signed Monday a coalition agreement with a citizens' initiative and a conservative party to govern the city. 'We are really on the threshold of change today,' says the 37-year-old.

  • Government Czech Republic survives parliament
    0 Comment 125

    Government Czech Republic survives parliament

    prague July 12, 2018 06:15 Hot Recent News

    The Czech parliament has early on Thursday morning agreed with the center-left minority government of Prime Minister Andrej Babis. The new government of Babis ANO party and the Social Democrats is controversial because it receives the tolerance of the Communists. This is the first time government influences since the communist dictatorship collapsed in the late Czechoslovakia at the end of 1989.

  • Czech president sets fire to huge pants
    0 Comment 707

    Czech president sets fire to huge pants

    prague June 14, 2018 18:15 Hot Recent News

    The Czech president Milos Zeman surprised friend and foe Thursday by burning a big red underpants in front of the cameras. He threw the colossal boxers in the garden of the presidential palace demonstratively into a campfire.

  • Babis sworn in as prime minister next week

    Babis sworn in as prime minister next week

    prague May 31, 2018 19:09 Hot Recent News

    The Czech president Milos Zeman will swear Andrej Babis, the leader of the national populist protest movement ANO, Wednesday as the government leader. That is what Babis said on Thursday after consultation with Zeman. The multi-billionaire, controversial by a fraud complaint, became prime minister after the election victory in October 2017. In January he lost the confidence of the parliament in a vote.

  • Czech research into genomic nerve gas

    Czech research into genomic nerve gas

    prague March 26, 2018 20:15 Hot Recent News

    The Czech president Milos Zeman has asked the BIS intelligence service to find out whether the nerve gas used in Great Britain can come from the Czech Republic. The Russian authorities have previously suggested that the drug may come from the Central European country.

  • Countries annoyed about Russian claim nerve gas: 'absurd'

    Countries annoyed about Russian claim nerve gas: 'absurd'

    prague March 17, 2018 17:42 Hot Recent News

    Sweden and the Czech Republic have reacted irritated to Russia's speculation on Saturday that the nerve poison novitsjok used in an attack on a former spy in England may come from one of these countries. This is an 'absurd accusation', said the Czech Minister of Defense Karla Slechtova. The Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström called the claim 'unacceptable and unfounded.'

  • Diamond in Czech museum of glass

    Diamond in Czech museum of glass

    prague March 6, 2018 18:30 Hot Recent News

    The visitors of the National Czech Museum in Prague have presumably been gazing for years on fake gems. A diamond of 5 carat so far as the most precious piece in the collection. With an inventory it turned out to be a piece of glass. That has revealed the news portal Hlidaci pes (Watchdog) Tuesday.

  • Minister away after murder of journalist

    Minister away after murder of journalist

    prague February 28, 2018 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The Slovakian Minister of Culture Marek Madaric resigned in connection with the murder of the investigative journalist Jan Kuciak. The bodies of the journalist and his girlfriend were found last weekend in their home in Velka Maca, 65 kilometers east of the capital Bratislava. They were shot.

  • President Czech Republic: hacker must go to Russia

    President Czech Republic: hacker must go to Russia

    prague February 24, 2018 09:39 Hot Recent News

    The President of the Czech Republic has been mixed in the tug of war for a Russian hacker. Yevgeny Nikoelin is stuck in the Czech Republic and both Russia and the US have asked for his extradition. The pro-Russian president in Prague, Milos Zeman, wants him to go to Russia. With that he is diametrically opposed to his prime minister.

  • More than 200 dogs liberated in the Czech Republic

    More than 200 dogs liberated in the Czech Republic

    prague February 2, 2018 11:18 Hot Recent News

    More than two hundred severely neglected dogs have been released from a breeder in the Czech Republic. The dogs, including many chihuahuas, were found in an old single-family home in the town of Kamenice nad Lipou. The animals have been transferred to shelters across the country.

  • Presidential election Czech neck-and-neck race

    Presidential election Czech neck-and-neck race

    prague January 26, 2018 22:48 Hot Recent News

    The enthusiasm for the decisive round of the presidential election in the Czech Republic is great. The current president Milos Zeman aspires a new term and takes on the liberal professor Jiri Drahos. On the first day of the ballot, the turnout was higher than two weeks ago in the first phase.

  • Deadly hotel fire Prague up

    prague January 21, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    The death toll due to the hotel fire in the Czech capital Prague has risen to four. Two women died from their injuries one day after the fire, a spokesperson for the hospital said. Nothing has yet been published about their nationality.

  • Call: Are you in Prague?

    January 20, 2018 19:42 Hot Recent News

    Are you currently in Prague and have you been bothered by the heavy fire at the Eurostars David hotel? Then we would like to get in touch with you!

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