• 'Doing more against sexual harassment in the EU'

    strasbourg October 25, 2017 12:18 Hot Recent News

    Governments, companies and organizations need to make more efforts to address sexual harassment. 'There are a lot of laws, guidelines and codes of conduct, but they have to be implemented,' said EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström during a debate in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • 63 cattle die by chemical reaction

    strasbourg October 24, 2017 15:15 Hot Recent News

    On a farm in the village of Niederlauterbach in Alsace, 63 cattle were killed by a chemical reaction of ammonium sulphate mixed with the manure of the animals. The farmer was brought to a hospital for observation, but appears unharmed.

  • Tusk wants smaller European Parliament

    strasbourg October 24, 2017 09:30 Hot Recent News

    With the British departure, the European Union has fewer countries, so it is 'logical and pragmatic' to reduce the number of seats in the European Parliament. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council of Heads of State, said Tuesday in the European Parliament.

  • EU parliament sets out Myanmar trade mission

    EU parliament sets out Myanmar trade mission

    strasbourg September 14, 2017 17:42 Hot Recent News

    A trade mission from the European Parliament to Myanmar is postponed because of the violence against Islamic Rohingya in the country. 'It would be the wrong signal to talk about trade now,' said D66 European Parliamentary Marietje Schaake.

  • Juncker: wind in the sails for EU

    Juncker: wind in the sails for EU

    strasbourg September 13, 2017 10:06 Hot Recent News

    The EU stands for further integration. If it is chairman of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, gas is progressing with the European project in the last two years before it is declining.

  • Mogherini wants to close detention centers Libya

    Mogherini wants to close detention centers Libya

    strasbourg September 12, 2017 18:18 Hot Recent News

    The treatment of migrants in Libyan detention centers is inhuman and unacceptable. The EU therefore urges Libya authorities to conclude that they are closed if there is no improvement, said Federal Minister Federica Mogherini Tuesday in a debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • EU deducts 120 million for free wifi

    EU deducts 120 million for free wifi

    strasbourg September 12, 2017 17:45 Hot Recent News

    The European Union releases 120 million euros for free WiFi in at least six thousand locations in Europe. Per applicant, 20,000 euros will be available from next year. Whoever comes first, first served. Hospitals, libraries or other public places should then keep the system in air for at least three years.

  • Displeasure about EU Prize Aung San Suu Kyi

    Displeasure about EU Prize Aung San Suu Kyi

    strasbourg September 12, 2017 13:06 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament is dissatisfied with the European award for freedom of thought and expression awarded by Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi from Myanmar in 1990. The current government leader of former Burma released this week on allegations that the Asian army is guilty of ethnic cleansing of the Islamic population of Rohingya.

  • Council of Europe happy with corruption research

    Council of Europe happy with corruption research

    strasbourg September 6, 2017 15:06 Hot Recent News

    The revelations that Azerbaijan would have bought a large number of European politicians from, among other things, the Council of Europe, are in good shape at the organization's parliamentary meeting (PACE). Everything that sheds light on alleged corruption is welcome, said Vice-President Roger Gale. Last summer, the parliamentarians have already been investigating this.

  • 'Pretty woman' steals Peperdure Lamborghini
    0 Comment 181

    'Pretty woman' steals Peperdure Lamborghini

    zurich July 23, 2017 17:12 Hot Recent News

    A peperdure and supercell Lamborghini has disappeared smoothly from Swiss Zurich. A 'nice, neat woman' took the car for a 'business trip' but did not return to the rental company. The woman and the exclusive bolide disappeared with the northern zone.

  • Pruning judgment on prisons Belgium

    Pruning judgment on prisons Belgium

    strasbourg July 13, 2017 12:30 Hot Recent News

    The Council of Europe's anti-fouling committee judges destructively about the Belgian prison system, especially at strikes. There is a risk that 'situations that are already considered unacceptable will become even worse', the committee wrote in a report on Thursday.

  • Boerkaverbod does not violate human rights

    Boerkaverbod does not violate human rights

    strasbourg July 11, 2017 10:30 Hot Recent News

    The boerkaverbod which is in force in Belgium does not conflict with the human rights treaty. That has been judged by the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday. It has been forbidden in Belgium since 2011 to cover the face (partially) in public places.

  • Cooperation between EU and Cuba can continue

    Cooperation between EU and Cuba can continue

    strasbourg July 5, 2017 13:06 Hot Recent News

    Cuba and the European Union can begin to normalize their relations. The European Parliament gave its blessing to the cooperation agreement signed in December by both parties in Strasbourg. 567 MPs voted for and 65 against, 31 abstained from voting.

  • Action plan has to reduce pressure on Italy

    Action plan has to reduce pressure on Italy

    strasbourg July 4, 2017 15:36 Hot Recent News

    The pressure on Italy because of the continuing flow of migrants is so great that all EU countries need to help. In an action plan, the European Commission presented a series of measures on Tuesday. Over 85,000 people already crossed from Libya this year and there were certainly 2150 drowned.

  • Juncker against parliamentarians: 'You are ridiculous'

    Juncker against parliamentarians: 'You are ridiculous'

    strasbourg July 4, 2017 10:42 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament is 'not serious.' 'You are ridiculous,' said a furious President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Tuesday morning at the Strasbourg plenary session. Nearly thirty parliamentarians had appeared before a session with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, about the Malta-based EU Presidency.

  • European aid for Italy

    European aid for Italy

    strasbourg July 3, 2017 22:00 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission comes with additional plans to address illegal migration. Italy was flooded last week with migrants arriving by boat from North Africa.

  • World leaders honor Europe's honorary citizen

    World leaders honor Europe's honorary citizen

    strasbourg July 1, 2017 09:45 Hot Recent News

    Numerous world leaders and other high-ranking guests prove the latest honor to Helmut Kohl in Strasbourg today. The deceased former chancellor will be the first European funeral ceremony, but not his homeland. The honorary citizen of Europe, along with his widow, preferred to have a ceremony in neighboring France.

  • Last honor for Helmut Kohl

    Last honor for Helmut Kohl

    strasbourg July 1, 2017 05:42 Hot Recent News

    Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl (87) is being buried today. As a European citizen, he gets the first EU funeral of history. 'My husband was European. He always worried about Europe's well-being, which is a matter of war and peace for him. '

  • Gorbachev not saying goodbye to Kohl

    Gorbachev not saying goodbye to Kohl

    moscow June 27, 2017 15:00 Hot Recent News

    The former leader of the Soviet Union Michail Gorbachev has denounced for the ceremony in Strasbourg where the recently-deceased German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is commemorated on July 1. Gorbachev told Tuesday that he could not be present for health reasons.

  • Helmut Kohl not in family grave

    berlin June 20, 2017 18:33 Hot Recent News

    Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1930-2017) is buried in Speyer and not in the family grave in Ludwigshafen. This has left a confidant of the 16th deceased statesman, Kai Diekmann, on Tuesday.

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