• 'They make us outlawed'

    'They make us outlawed'

    berlin January 9, 2019 05:00 Hot Recent News

    'A black day for democracy.' This is how Alternative für Deutschland typifies the attack on Frank Magnitz, Bundestag member and deputy chairman of the party in the port city of Bremen,...

  • German police are emptying more on search

    German police are emptying more on search

    schwanewede September 25, 2018 11:16 Hot Recent News

    The German criminal investigation department will drain a small lake near Bremen to get evidence in a murder case. With this in-depth approach, the Ministry of Justice thinks that the issue of the disappearance 25 years ago by Jutta Fuchs is finally being resolved, reported local media. The main suspect is her former fiancée.

  • Trials in German cities against Erdogan

    Trials in German cities against Erdogan

    berlin September 21, 2018 19:48 Hot Recent News

    In the run-up to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Germany, opponents of the head of state have planned a series of demonstrations. The organizers have announced protests in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Essen, Bremen, Hannover, Stuttgart and Bielefeld for Saturday afternoon.

  • Polar bear injures German man on Spitsbergen

    Polar bear injures German man on Spitsbergen

    berlin July 28, 2018 19:39 Hot Recent News

    On Spitsbergen a man was attacked by a polar bear. The German was a crew member of the cruise ship MS Bremen. He was wounded by his head and was taken to Longyearbyen by helicopter, the main city of the Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.

  • Head of German migration service

    Head of German migration service

    berlin June 15, 2018 19:57 Hot Recent News

    The German minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has sent the head of the national migration service (Bamf) to the lane. Jutta Cordt has to leave as a result of a scandal surrounding unjustly assigned statuses to asylum seekers.

  • Germany shocked after new asylum murder

    Germany shocked after new asylum murder

    mainz June 8, 2018 07:27 Hot Recent News

    For the third time in a short time an asylum seeker is suspected of murdering a German girl. Yesterday it became known that the body of 14-year-old Susanna F. was finally found. The suspected perpetrator, the criminal offender Ali Bashar, has taken his legs back to Iraq with his family.

  • Minister intervenes in the asylum affair in Bremen

    Minister intervenes in the asylum affair in Bremen

    berlin May 23, 2018 12:36 Hot Recent News

    The office of the German migration service in Bremen (Bamf) is not allowed to take any decisions about asylum applications for the time being. The German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has determined that. He personally intervened in response to a scandal surrounding granting residence permits that recently came to light.

  • Dutchman killed in German traffic jam

    Dutchman killed in German traffic jam

    munster May 9, 2018 20:39 Hot Recent News

    A 31-year-old Dutchman was killed by an accident on a German highway on Wednesday. The man saw too late that there was a traffic jam and could not brake on time. He rammed a truck and got trapped in his car. He died on the spot.

  • 8.5 percent German suspects immigrant

    8.5 percent German suspects immigrant

    berlin April 28, 2018 13:00 Hot Recent News

    The crime figures in Germany show a decreasing trend. In 2017 they declined in all federal states, the most in Bavaria (-28.7 percent). Of the persons suspected of a criminal offense, 8.5 percent were immigrants. In total there are 167,268 cases. That writes the newspaper Die Welt, relying on the statistics of the police. These will be officially published on 8 May.

  • Attacks on right-radicals in Germany

    Attacks on right-radicals in Germany

    karlsruhe April 17, 2018 11:33 Hot Recent News

    The German Federal Public Prosecutor's Office has conducted house searches with right-wing extremists in various German states. Four suspects in Lower Saxony, Bremen and Schleswig-Holstein are suspected of terrorism.

  • 'Airbus will delete 3600 jobs'
    0 Comment 124

    'Airbus will delete 3600 jobs'

    toulouse March 3, 2018 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Aircraft manufacturer Airbus wants to scrap 3600 jobs because fewer aircraft are ordered, especially the Airbus A380 and military transport aircraft of the A400M type. This was reported by the French magazine Challenges.

  • Eight wounded by barbecuing in the basement

    Eight wounded by barbecuing in the basement

    bremen February 10, 2018 06:18 Hot Recent News

    In the German city of Bremen eight people were injured during a barbecue in the basement of a house. The victims, including three children, suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. 'That is an acute life-threatening situation,' said a fire service spokesperson. One of the victims refused help.

  • German police picks up people smugglers

    German police picks up people smugglers

    berlin January 31, 2018 08:21 Hot Recent News

    The German police on Wednesday in several states invades during an action against a gang of people smugglers. The police attacked at addresses in Berlin, Saxony, Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia, according to German media.

  • Court EU sticks for expulsion terrorist

    Court EU sticks for expulsion terrorist

    bremen August 2, 2017 10:48 Hot Recent News

    The European Court of Human Rights has stopped the expulsion by Germany of a man who is considered to be terrorist at the last moment. The 18-year-old man from Dagestan was already on the way to Frankfurt airport when the verdict came to the German authorities. The vehicle with the man turned over.

  • German IS member is entitled to sixfold murder

    German IS member is entitled to sixfold murder

    hamburg July 19, 2017 10:33 Hot Recent News

    A German former member of Islamic State (IS) will be tried in Germany for coercion to sixfold murder. The 28-year-old man from Bremen, who is in Germany, would have participated in the shooting of five Syrian soldiers and a sonic preacher in 2015 in the Syrian city of Palmyra.

  • Wounded by disco Bremen

    Wounded by disco Bremen

    bremen April 29, 2017 06:18 Hot Recent News

    At a stopover for a nightclub in the German city of Bremen, four people were injured on Friday night on Saturday. The police report that one of the victims has suffered life-threatening injuries.

  • 'Coring burglar 'turns sex toy

    'Coring burglar 'turns sex toy

    bremen February 1, 2017 13:57 Hot Recent News

    Two police cars full of officers sped to the police Monday night to the home of a woman in Bremen. She had heard the sound of a drill and was terrified that there were burglars in her home.

  • German train slams burning tree

    German train slams burning tree

    nienburg January 11, 2017 15:15 Hot Recent News

    An intercity Wednesday in Lower Saxony rammed a burning oak. It was blown down and landed on the overhead, and the tree caught fire. According to the German railways not fire hit on to the train, which transported about two hundred passengers. They were unharmed.

  • Confused man sticks around Bremen

    Confused man sticks around Bremen

    bremen October 25, 2016 21:12 Hot Recent News

    A confused man in a park in Bremen, Germany with a knife stabbed and wounded four hikers around him. Two of them were seriously injured. Shortly after the incident the police overpowered the 29-year-old man.

  • Panic knives tractor in German train
    0 Comment 170

    Panic knives tractor in German train

    sottrum July 24, 2016 10:39 Hot Recent News

    A 22-year-old man in the night from Saturday to Sunday the passengers in a regional train between the German cities of Hamburg and Bremen, the convulsions hunted on the web by pulling a knife and threatening passengers.

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