• Ireland puts action in Apple case by

    Ireland puts action in Apple case by

    December 19, 2016 08:15 Hot Recent News

    Ireland maintains its intention to appeal against the decision of the European Commission to back the country more than 13 billion euros in taxes and interest recovered from Apple. This was reported by the Irish Department of Finance on Monday.

  • 'Athens ready to take back asylum seekers'

    'Athens ready to take back asylum seekers'

    brussels December 8, 2016 11:09 Hot Recent News

    The asylum system in Greece has been enhanced to EU countries asylum-seekers who can send back gradually transits from March 15, 2017. They must, however, significantly more migrants from Greece to bring over. The recommendation made by the European Commission on Thursday.

  • Commission: swift end within EU border control

    Commission: swift end within EU border control

    brussels September 28, 2016 12:09 Hot Recent News

    The five European countries that have permission to check temporarily sharing their borders are there in principle on November 12 stop. The European Commission wants the freedom to travel than is restored within the Schengen zone, but it is not excluded that Member States, the checks required any longer.

  • 'Germany warned offender Ansbach '

    'Germany warned offender Ansbach '

    August 12, 2016 18:24 Hot Recent News

    The German authorities were warned that if they tried to turn the perpetrator of the attack in Ansbach, he possibly would take a spectacular,, '' suicide attempt. It reports the BBC program Newsnight on Friday.

  • Brexit good news for Irish start-ups

    Brexit good news for Irish start-ups

    June 30, 2016 08:36 Hot Recent News

    Not everyone turns to regret the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The start-upcommissaris Dublin, Niamh Bushnell, has thanked the British for the upcoming brexit. Irish hopes that more businesses choose to set up their start-up in Dublin, reports Bloomberg.

  • Ireland wants special EU aid to Brexit

    Ireland wants special EU aid to Brexit

    June 28, 2016 09:30 Hot Recent News

    Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny will be Tuesday at the European summit to insist that his country deserves special support and attention. After Brexit guarantees for Ireland much more at stake, Kenny said before his departure to Brussels at the parliament in Dublin.

  • Brussels wants to refuse penalty for asylum

    Brussels wants to refuse penalty for asylum

    brussels May 4, 2016 13:07 Hot Recent News

    EU countries that refuse to accommodate asylum seekers from congested countries within the EU are likely to be put to considerable expense. The European Commission proposed on Wednesday for the 'solidarity contribution' to establish refusal to 250,000 euros per applicant.

  • British judges rule against Dublin rules

    British judges rule against Dublin rules

    london January 20, 2016 20:35 Hot Recent News

    British courts have decided that four Syrians staying in the tent camp at the French Calais, should be admitted to Britain, although they have requested asylum in France. It involves three underage boys and adult men, now reunited with their families in Britain.

  • Rain and storm ravage Ireland

    Rain and storm ravage Ireland

    cork December 30, 2015 14:14 Hot Recent News

    Heavy rainfall and storms have resulted in coastal areas of Ireland Wednesday to much flooding. In approximately 13,000 households to the power failure, reported the Irish Times. The most severely affected the southwestern region of Cork. There is since Tuesday 60 millimeters of rain came down.

  • Truly wireless charging step closer
    0 Comment 103

    Truly wireless charging step closer

    December 24, 2015 14:07 Hot Recent News

    More and more mobile devices can be wirelessly charged, though you can argue about the definition of 'wireless'. The devices must, after all, the wireless charging point be placed which is connected to the outlet. A Ukrainian startup claims to have developed a method that really makes wireless charging possible.

  • Merkel did not return decision Syrians

    Merkel did not return decision Syrians

    November 11, 2015 17:00 Hot Recent News

    The German decision to send Syrian refugees back to countries where they entered the EU, was taken without that Chancellor Angela Merkel knew. The refugee coordinator Peter Altmeier was unaware. A spokeswoman Merkel declared Wednesday in Berlin.

  • Germany sends Syrians back within EU

    Germany sends Syrians back within EU

    November 10, 2015 18:30 Hot Recent News

    Germany sends Syrian asylum seekers back to countries where the EU within traveled, as it should be according to the agreement of Dublin. Since August was because of the large influx of Syrians temporary exception to that rule, but it appears late last month to be withdrawn.

  • German agent reads alarm

    German agent reads alarm

    berlin November 3, 2015 10:45 Hot Recent News

    The German police daily influx of some ten thousand refugees can not take it anymore and sounding the alarm. "This is our biggest challenge since World War II," says union boss Rainer Wendt

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