• Girl (13) dead by stray bullet in US

    Girl (13) dead by stray bullet in US

    milwaukee November 22, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    An American girl who won a prize with an essay on the ongoing firearm violence in her hometown, was shot dead herself. The 13-year-old Sandra Parks died after she was hit by a stray bullet, reports American media.

  • Russians hacked elections in 21 states US

    Russians hacked elections in 21 states US

    washington September 23, 2017 05:06 Hot Recent News

    Russian hackers tried to manipulate the elections last year during the US presidential elections in 21 US states. According to the Ministry of National Security, the hackers, who worked on behalf of the Russian government, failed to influence the results.

  • The Killer Clown is back
    0 Comment 339

    The Killer Clown is back

    wisconsin September 9, 2017 13:15 Hot Recent News

    After the arrival of Stephen King's film IT in the cinemas, there is a new era of 'killer clowns' in front of the door. The first clown is spotted in the United States of Wisconsin. With a bunch of balloons, the creepy clown appeared as the lead player of the movie IT at the front door of an American family.

  • Company chips employees

    Company chips employees

    July 25, 2017 14:30 Hot Recent News

    The company Three Square Market, located in the state of Wisconsin, provides staff with microchips. With the small chips, employees can open doors, log into computers and even buy food. So far, fifty employees (out of 85) have already signed up for the chip.

  • Tornado destroyed caravan park

    Tornado destroyed caravan park

    chetek May 17, 2017 10:48 Hot Recent News

    A tornado destroyed a caravan park on Tuesday night near the American town of Chetek, in the western part of Wisconsin state. Surely a resident came to life, about 25 others were injured. That has revealed Barron County's sheriff in local media.

  • Trump: worried about nuclear war with North Korea

    Trump: worried about nuclear war with North Korea

    madison April 19, 2017 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The US president Donald Trump said Tuesday that ' always have to worry about a possible nuclear war with North Korea. 'The Republican response to a question from a reporter from WTMJ in Wisconsin, an affiliated station CNN. ' We have wait and see what happens, but it's a very difficult situation, 'said Trump.

  • First setback new entry ban Trump

    First setback new entry ban Trump

    madison March 11, 2017 05:54 Hot Recent News

    A federal judge in Wisconsin has trumps custom admission Friday inflicted the first blow. William Conley, judge in Madison, forbade the application of the travel ban for the woman and the child of a Syrian refugee. has been granted asylum in the United States to him.

  • Snapchat brutal murder to theft in US
    0 Comment 103

    Snapchat brutal murder to theft in US

    milwaukee December 29, 2016 11:57 Hot Recent News

    Three people have in the US city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin on trial for the brutal murder of Delvin Mendoza-Chaparro (20). His body was found on December 19 in an alley. The victim was caught steal personal belongings of the suspects. died before Mendoza-Chaparro, he was tortured and humiliated. His death was captured on social media. That report local media.

  • Judge stops recount votes Michigan

    Judge stops recount votes Michigan

    December 8, 2016 06:30 Hot Recent News

    Michigan stop the recount of votes in the US presidential election. A federal judge has decided that presidential candidate Jill Stein of the Green Party is not a victim and therefore has no right to request the recount.

  • Federal judge bends over recount

    Federal judge bends over recount

    December 5, 2016 14:54 Hot Recent News

    A federal judge is due to consider the request by Jill Stein for a recount of the votes in Pennsylvania for the presidential election in the US A judge in that state recently allocated $ 1 million in court costs for a recount Stein and that was too much.

  • Trump wins in Michigan

    Trump wins in Michigan

    November 29, 2016 06:21 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has also won in the state of Michigan. It was the final outcome yet to come. Nearly three weeks after the US elections, the electoral commission announced that Trump has won with a difference of only 10 704 votes from Hillary Clinton.

  • Trump criticizes recount

    Trump criticizes recount

    November 26, 2016 21:48 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump has no good to say about the re-counting of votes cast in the state of Wisconsin. As the Green Party has asked for. The president-elect said the request by party leader Jill Stein ' scam 'and a way ' filling her suitcases with money they will never spend the majority of those ridiculous recount.'

  • After the turkey is hectic Black Friday

    After the turkey is hectic Black Friday

    November 24, 2016 13:15 Hot Recent News

    If the words of thanks for Thanksgiving are spoken, the turkey is eaten and that slice of apple pie there still could reach, Americans are seized with rage bargains. Black Friday is called the day after Thanksgiving, because 60 percent of Americans already then go shopping for Christmas. This often provides shocking images of crowds fighting for the best deals.

  • Recount US increasingly likely

    Recount US increasingly likely

    November 24, 2016 08:18 Hot Recent News

    In three US states that have been decisive for the election victory of Donald Trump, a recount of the votes is becoming more likely. Presidential candidate of the small Green Party Jill Stein has raised enough money in a short time to cover the requests for recounts.

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