• 'F-16s Erdogan had in sight'

    'F-16s Erdogan had in sight'

    July 17, 2016 20:30 Hot Recent News

    According to a Turkish former soldier had two F-16 Air Force pilots who participated in the failed coup in Turkey's Erdogan in sight. Why do not they fired on him, is a mystery, said the military told Reuters.

  • Security guards shoot conspirators

    Security guards shoot conspirators

    ankara July 17, 2016 18:48 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish authorities suspect that at or near the second airport of Istanbul, on the Asian side of the city, still conspirators hiding. Guards Sunday at Sabiha Gokcen Airport, named after the first female fighter pilot, fired warning shots. The suspected coup plotters fired back.

  • Erdogan: introducing death penalty soon

    Erdogan: introducing death penalty soon

    July 17, 2016 18:33 Hot Recent News

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday that the death penalty after the failed coup attempt of military personnel should be introduced without delay again. He said the government in this debate goes with opposition parties.

  • Facts and questions about Turkey coup

    Facts and questions about Turkey coup

    July 17, 2016 13:30 Hot Recent News

    After the failed coup in Turkey, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan drew the first consequences. On the streets and squares, apart from the display of flags by Erdogan's supporters, but the rest returned to the political scene not long.

  • Erdogan open to debate capital punishment

    Erdogan open to debate capital punishment

    July 16, 2016 20:09 Hot Recent News

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not exclude that there is a debate on the reintroduction of the death penalty. Citizens there cried Saturday in response to the failed military coup that killed at least 161 innocent lives.,, Those requirements may be raised in parliament and discussed. '

  • Coup Perpetrators flee

    Coup Perpetrators flee

    athens July 16, 2016 11:21 Hot Recent News

    Greece has arrested eight Turkish coup beaten on the run. The helicopter in which the soldiers were landed Saturday around noon in the northern Greek city of Alexandroupolis.

  • Turkish secret service shot during coup
    0 Comment 222

    Turkish secret service shot during coup

    July 16, 2016 08:06 Hot Recent News

    The headquarters of the Turkish intelligence service was attacked during the overnight coup attempt by military helicopters and heavy machine gun fire. Thereby are at least three people were injured, said a source of the service.

  • Prime Minister: situation largely under control

    Prime Minister: situation largely under control

    July 16, 2016 05:24 Hot Recent News

    Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim claimed that the coup by a group of soldiers are beaten down, and that the chief of staff and commanders are largely in control of the situation in the country. He said Friday at the Turkish state broadcaster TRT, which is again in the air.

  • Back explosions in Turkish parliament

    Back explosions in Turkish parliament

    ankara July 16, 2016 05:18 Hot Recent News

    At the building of the Turkish parliament in Ankara Friday again heard two explosions. The explosion took place after the Turkish government announced that the,, situation was largely under control '. Members of the Turkish Parliament lurk in the parliament building, reported one of the representatives by phone.

  • UNESCO fears the worst for Libyan heritage

    UNESCO fears the worst for Libyan heritage

    July 14, 2016 17:24 Hot Recent News

    UNESCO fears the worst for the five sites in Libya, which belong to the world. The organization called the North African country Thursday during the congress in Istanbul extremely unstable. Armed militias are located in or near areas with great cultural and historical value.

  • French missions in Turkey close

    ankara July 13, 2016 12:36 Hot Recent News

    The French Embassy in Ankara and the French Consulate in Istanbul are closed for security reasons Wednesday. The celebration of Bastille Day, July 14, there is also canceled. There would be a serious threat that the celebration would be the target of an attack.

  • Turks love again suspects in attack on

    Turks love again suspects in attack on

    July 11, 2016 09:39 Hot Recent News

    Turkish police have arrested seven men on suspicion of involvement in the attack at Atatürk Airport late last month. Justice formally charged with 'membership in an armed terrorist group'. There are currently a total of 37 people establish because of the attack.

  • 'IS members' arrested at Istanbul airport

    'IS members' arrested at Istanbul airport

    July 4, 2016 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Turkish police have arrested at Atatürk Airport in Istanbul two men she loves to members of Islamic State. The two detainees have both a Russian and a Kyrgyz passport, the Turkish news channel reported. Any previously arrived two claimed by, among other camouflage, the police fell on a 'risk analysis'.

  • Istanbul attack death toll rises to 45

    Istanbul attack death toll rises to 45

    July 2, 2016 16:33 Hot Recent News

    The death toll of the terrorist suicide attack on the Ataturk airport in Istanbul has risen to 45. Saturday died in a Jordanian hospital from his injuries, reported the Turkish news agency DHA. Among the killed victims are twenty foreigners.

  • Review: Speedlink mice
    0 Comment 104

    Review: Speedlink mice

    July 1, 2016 15:51 Hot Recent News

    The mouse is an underrated PC accessory. Everyone uses one, but few people pay attention to it. Hardware manufacturer Speedlink has however been thinking about good and has introduced several models, each with its own gimmick. Let's see if they really add something to the 'mouse experience.

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