• Tsipras promises more money and less tax

    Tsipras promises more money and less tax

    thessaloniki September 8, 2018 21:32 Hot Recent News

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has promised his compatriots to gradually raise the minimum wage and pensions in the coming months and years and to reduce the tax burden. However, the country can only be stabilized for the long term if the reforms continue and investments are made.

  • 'Migrant ship Italy tortured and raped'

    'Migrant ship Italy tortured and raped'

    geneva August 28, 2018 17:32 Hot Recent News

    The African migrants who had to stay on board a ship in the port of Catania for over a week were detained in Libya for two years by smugglers. They were beaten, tortured and raped there before they made the crossing to Europe, reports the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations.

  • Bodies of missing fishermen found

    Bodies of missing fishermen found

    norwich August 26, 2018 15:48 Hot Recent News

    The British rescue services have found the bodies of two missing passengers on a Belgian fishing boat on Sunday. This has been announced by the Belgian Maritime Rescue and Coordination Center. The ship was capsized on Saturday at the end of the afternoon off the coast of the English county of Norfolk.

  • Minors leave coast guard ship Italy

    Minors leave coast guard ship Italy

    rome August 23, 2018 09:32 Hot Recent News

    Dozens of young migrants have after a few days left the Italian coast guard ship in the port of Catania. The nearly thirty minors left the ship from Wednesday to Thursday, reports Italian media. The adults must stay on board.

  • Italy does not allow rescued migrants to disembark

    Italy does not allow rescued migrants to disembark

    rome August 21, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    An Italian coast guard ship with 177 rescued migrants on board has arrived in the port of Catania. However, migrants are only allowed to disembark if other EU member states are prepared to receive them, say sources within the Ministry of the Interior against ANSA news agency.

  • First victims accident Genoa commemorated

    First victims accident Genoa commemorated

    genoa August 18, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    In Genoa Saturday a commemoration service was held for the first 18 of the total of 42 people who died after the collapse of the bridge last Tuesday. There was applause for the deceased, but also for the employees of the emergency services and for the 560 people who lived in houses near or under the bridge and who had become homeless.

  • 'At least 31 dead after collapsing bridge Genoa'

    'At least 31 dead after collapsing bridge Genoa'

    genoa August 15, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The death toll after the collapse of a traffic bridge in the Italian port city of Genoa has increased to 31. The civil protection service has confirmed this, reports the newspaper La Repubblica. There are two children among the dead. Five bodies still have to be identified.

  • Brussels for migrants on Aquarius

    Brussels for migrants on Aquarius

    brussels August 13, 2018 16:00 Hot Recent News

    In Brussels, a solution is being worked behind the scenes for the refugees aboard the rescue ship Aquarius. According to a spokeswoman for the European Commission, the EU administration is 'in contact with a number of member states' that the committee 'approached' about the matter. She did not want to say which countries are involved.

  • Truth or dare: woman drinks beer from dead fish
    0 Comment 153

    Truth or dare: woman drinks beer from dead fish

    new york August 11, 2018 11:33 Hot Recent News

    A game of 'doing, daring or the truth' can lead to crazy things, but drinking a beer from a dead fish we had not heard before. The 28-year-old Aimee Lynn was challenged by her friends to perform the bizarre stunt, while the whole event was captured by one of the bystanders. The video appeared online and social media users find it disgusting.

  • Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    Aquarius gets 141 migrants out of the sea

    rome August 10, 2018 22:12 Hot Recent News

    After halting for weeks, the ship Aquarius has rescued 141 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean. About 25 nautical miles from the coast of Libya, 25 migrants were first taken from a small wooden boat. In the same area the crew of the Aquarius later took another 116 people on board.

  • Ship with 87 migrants arrives in Spain

    Ship with 87 migrants arrives in Spain

    madrid August 9, 2018 10:06 Hot Recent News

    A rescue ship with 87 migrants on board has arrived in Spain. The vessel Open Arms arrived Thursday morning in the southern port city of Algeciras (Andalucia), reported aid organization Proactiva. The migrants, including 12 minors from Sudan and Gambia, were rescued from Libya more than a week ago.

  • Italy again refuses migrant ship

    Italy again refuses migrant ship

    rome July 13, 2018 21:09 Hot Recent News

    Italy has again refused a ship with refugees. It is a ship with 450 migrants on board. Because the vessel was already in the waters of Malta before, Rome finds that the refugees have to go ashore there.

  • President Italy mediates for migrants

    President Italy mediates for migrants

    trapani July 13, 2018 08:39 Hot Recent News

    Italian President Sergio Mattarella personally interfered with the fact that 67 migrants were allowed to come to a Sicilian port after they had been picked up from the sea off the Libyan coast. Italian media report that Friday.

  • France takes in 78 refugees Aquarius

    France takes in 78 refugees Aquarius

    paris July 12, 2018 18:39 Hot Recent News

    France has decided to include 78 refugees who were on the rescue ship Aquarius. That was what the French Ministry of Home Affairs announced. The ship brought the refugees to the Spanish Valencia at the beginning of this month, after it had been refused by Italy.

  • Salvini: take rescued migrants home

    Salvini: take rescued migrants home

    rome/valletta July 8, 2018 20:36 Hot Recent News

    The countries that participate in missions with naval vessels in which migrants in need are taken on board should simply take those people home. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said this Sunday, Italian media reported.

  • Oxfam sounds alarm clock about port city Yemen

    Oxfam sounds alarm clock about port city Yemen

    sanaa July 5, 2018 06:48 Hot Recent News

    The lives of more than half a million inhabitants of Yemen are in danger due to the army offensive at the port city of Hodeidah. The living conditions in the besieged city on the Red Sea are deteriorating rapidly, says aid organization Oxfam. More than 80,000 people have already fled their homes

  • Plane migrant rescuers on the chain

    Plane migrant rescuers on the chain

    valetta July 4, 2018 11:21 Hot Recent News

    The Maltese government has put a plane on the chain of the German aid organization Sea Watch, which fishes migrants out of the sea for the Libyan coast. That report different media. The organization sails under the Dutch flag.

  • Lifeline moors in Malta

    Lifeline moors in Malta

    valletta June 27, 2018 19:06 Hot Recent News

    The controversial boat Lifeline of the German organization Mission-Lifeline walked into the port of Maltese Valletta on Wednesday. The crew had previously been allowed to dock in Malta on Wednesday. On arrival in Valletta, emergency services brought three babies and another person to the hospital directly.

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