• Well-known Flemish TV reporter from now on through life as a woman
    0 Comment 121

    Well-known Flemish TV reporter from now on through life as a woman

    brussels January 29, 2018 19:54 Hot Recent News

    VTM journalist Boudewijn Van Spilbeeck, a familiar face on Flemish television, is now going through life as a woman. That made his employer VTM known Monday night. 'This will happen to many as totally unexpected, but for me and my environment it is not,' Van Spilbeeck said in a personal message. According to Belgian media, the news is a shock to many outsiders, but far less a surprise for his environment.

  • Missing: the president

    Missing: the president

    January 23, 2018 17:27 Hot Recent News

    Scandinavian actors often switch penny in series like The Killing, The Bridge of Borgen. The makers of Modus decided to fish in a completely different pond for the new season. The now 61-year-old actress Kim Cattrall, the notorious male devourer Samantha Jones from Sex and the City, makes her appearance as president of the United States in the Swedish crime series.

  • Analysis: money is real reason approaching North Korea

    seoul January 9, 2018 19:39 Hot Recent News

    For the first time in many years North Korea seems seriously prepared to improve the relationship with Seoul. Where promises were often broken at the last moment in the past, the dictator Kim Jong-un's regime is now strikingly cooperative. What's behind that?

  • Butters in Brussels bubble

    brussels December 27, 2017 19:24 Hot Recent News

    Many drinks, meeting places in Brussels and Strasbourg often far away from family and above average many beautiful young women. The temptations in the European Parliament are great for many male MEPs. For a long time abuses were cleared, but the spirit is out of the bottle. After #metoo another wind is blowing.

  • Brigitte Macron baptizes panda

    beauval December 4, 2017 18:09 Hot Recent News

    Brigitte Macron, the wife of the French president, christened a young panda at the Beauval Zoo (Loir-et-Cher) on Monday. The animal, a male, came into the world on the 4th of August and is now going through life as Yuan Meng. According to the newspaper Le Figaro, this means something like 'realizing a dream' or 'fulfilling a wish.'

  • Model: it was KFC or McDonald's there

    shanghai November 23, 2017 20:57 Hot Recent News

    After the 'horror death' of a 14-year Russian model, the fashion world in China is under attack. Foreign models are often poorly treated. An Italian complains about local conditions against local media.

  • Fuss about 'unsafe space' at school

    canterbury November 21, 2017 15:27 Hot Recent News

    A British school has launched a bold idea: an 'unsafe space' at school to debate about controversial topics. The place has to serve as a forum, but some pupils see little benefit. 'You can be as racist, sexist and xenophobic as you want', says student Sarah Cundy to The Guardian.

  • Germans can be male , female or different

    karlsruhe November 8, 2017 10:00 Hot Recent News

    Germans can now not only be included in the birth register as male or female but also as 'different' or 'intersexual'. That determined the constitutional court in Karlsruhe on Wednesday in a case called for by the Dritte Option movement (third option).

  • Sex has to help panda 'forward'

    berlin October 23, 2017 13:00 Hot Recent News

    The panda 'Meng Meng' has been running backwards recently. Her caregivers in Berlin have the necessary headaches through the strange behavior, and try to help the panda with some distraction in the form of a horny male.

  • Trump is at the heart of Emmy Awards

    Trump is at the heart of Emmy Awards

    los angeles September 18, 2017 05:54 Hot Recent News

    The great star of the Emmy Awards was President Donald Trump. During the celebration of the major US television prizes, numerous Trump jokes were over. Actor Alec Baldwin has won the prizes for his Trump performances in Saturday Night Live's satirical program and actor Kate McKinnon won with her imitations of Trumps rivals Hillary Clinton and President Kellyanne Conway. In addition, Trumps appeared to be former press officer Sean Spicer on stage.

  • Proud father lies next to sex robot and his wife
    0 Comment 118

    Proud father lies next to sex robot and his wife

    September 13, 2017 15:54 Hot Recent News

    For 4000 euros he put together sex robot Samantha. And now, creative British father Arran Squire sleeps with his lifelong invention. In addition to his wife Hannah, who does the TV show, she does not have a problem sharing her 36-year-old man with the brunette on batteries.

  • Timmermans is increasing pressure on Poland

    Timmermans is increasing pressure on Poland

    brussels September 12, 2017 14:48 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission is putting pressure on Poland in the ongoing conflict on the rule of law in the country. Brussels is not satisfied with the Polish explanation of a new law for the organization of the lower courts. Deputy Prime Minister Frans Timmermans gives Warsaw a month to adjust the law.

  • First Dutch victim of Barcelona from hospital

    First Dutch victim of Barcelona from hospital

    barcelona August 21, 2017 12:06 Hot Recent News

    The situation of the three Dutch victims of the Barcelona attack is slowly moving forward. One of them has been fired today from the hospital, the other two hope to return to the Netherlands for further treatment this weekend. That allows the spokesman of the two affected families to know.

  • Manneken Pis 'on fire'

    Manneken Pis 'on fire'

    brussels August 16, 2017 09:51 Hot Recent News

    The beam of Manneken Pis reached the other side of the street on Wednesday morning. Whoever came from the famous statue in Brussels got a wet suit, it shows

  • Café raises 'Men's tax'

    Café raises 'Men's tax'

    melbourne August 12, 2017 14:24 Hot Recent News

    Men who order a baking coffee at the Handsome Her cafe will be charged a higher amount than women. The establishment in Australian Melbourne has recently calculated 18 percent men's tax.

  • Lifelong for killing child

    Lifelong for killing child

    london July 25, 2017 14:00 Hot Recent News

    A man who killed his girlfriend's five-year-old son in a British park because his child had lost a shoe was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday. The court found guilty of the 39-year-old man from London on Monday to murder Alex Malcolm.

  • Women too light for Marines

    Women too light for Marines

    amsterdam July 18, 2017 05:03 Hot Recent News

    Women do not run hot for a job as a mariner. Half a year after the prestigious Corps of Marines opened for women, only a handful applied. This confirms a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense.

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