• Death Sentences in Thai tourist murder case

    Death Sentences in Thai tourist murder case

    December 24, 2015 08:28 Hot Recent News

    Two men from Myanmar in Thailand on Thursday sentenced to death for the murder of two British tourists in September last year. According to a court the pair guilty of murder. The victims, a British couple of 23 and 24 years, were slain on the beach at the popular holiday island of Koh Tao.

  • ' Russians do not need beach '

    ' Russians do not need beach '

    moscow December 8, 2015 11:56 Hot Recent News

    Beach holidays are no more than a fad in recent years, Russians can do without. That claimed the head of the Russian federal tourism agency, Oleg Safanov, in an interview with the newspaper Rosiskaja Gazjeta.

  • Planet punted his sun
    0 Comment 555

    Planet punted his sun

    December 2, 2015 11:48 Hot Recent News

    Tucked Kicks like a beach ball. That is the story of the planet HD 106906b, discovered last year in another scheme. He is extremely close to its star, 97.2 billion kilometers, or about 650 times the distance from the Earth to the sun. But probably he was born close to its star. It seems that the planet is expelled, but it is not yet clear why.

  • Tunisia arrested two suspected terrorists on

    Tunisia arrested two suspected terrorists on

    November 30, 2015 14:45 Hot Recent News

    Tunisian security forces late Sunday two suspected Islamic terrorists arrested. The two were arrested during a raid in the south of the country. Thereby include Kalashnikovs, a bomb belt, grenades, detonators and explosives to make a car bomb confiscated, reports the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior.

  • ' Family drowned toddler Aylan to Canada '

    ' Family drowned toddler Aylan to Canada '

    vancouver November 27, 2015 23:45 Hot Recent News

    Family of the Syrian Kurdish boy Aylan, whose remains on a Turkish beach shocked public opinion in many countries will be living in Canada. Canadian media reported Friday that a Canadian aunt Aylan, Tima Kurdi, has announced that her brother Mohammed arrives with his family quickly in Canada and comes to live with her ​​. Canada takes over as the new prime minister Justin Trudeau fulfill his election promise to end the year 25 000 Syrian refugees.

  • Killed in attack on bus in Tunisia

    November 24, 2015 19:30 Hot Recent News

    An attack on a military bus in the Tunisian capital Tunis took Tuesday at least eleven lives. The van carried members of the presidential guard, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry know.

  • Man firm to bite dog

    November 4, 2015 13:30 Hot Recent News

    A 37- year-old American could face a prison sentence because he bit the dog from his mother. A jury found him guilty of animal cruelty, according to local media.

  • Ten whales beach at Calais

    Ten whales beach at Calais

    November 2, 2015 16:00 Hot Recent News

    Ten Monday whales are stranded on the beach of the northern French port of Calais. Seven of the group of pilot whales are deceased. The local fire department animal protectionists helped bring the surviving three back in the water, French media reported.

  • Hot dog contains human DNA

    Hot dog contains human DNA

    October 29, 2015 14:45 Hot Recent News

    Researchers at the Clearwater Labs in St. Petersburg in Florida have human DNA found in hot dogs. The lab did the statement " You should not ask what it is " going to attack and examined 345 specimens of different manufacturers of the popular snack.

  • Snail finds new home

    Snail finds new home

    October 29, 2015 14:00 Hot Recent News

    That the 7-year-old Paul to his downfall on the beach at Orange County in California a swelling on his knee the size of an orange over loved, indicated by a doctor on MRSA, a bacterium aggressive. Leave it alone and do not arrive, the advice was.

  • Posh Malibu restores ' faded glory beach '

    Posh Malibu restores ' faded glory beach '

    October 26, 2015 23:08 Hot Recent News

    More than 120 owners of houses to a famous beach in California's Malibu stopping converted together 28 million euros in a project to restore largely washed away sand artificially. The Los Angeles Times reported Monday that the authorities have approved this month by the unique private initiative.

  • Australia puts drones against shark attacks

    Australia puts drones against shark attacks

    sydney October 25, 2015 16:23 Hot Recent News

    Australia goes along the coast of New South Wales drones bets to avoid shark attacks. Has announced that the local government, writes The Sydney Morning Herald. The drones have equipment on board to monitor the real sharks. They fly from December, when the beach season begins, above the beaches of Sydney and other popular resorts.

  • Malaysia busy with nudists

    Malaysia busy with nudists

    semporna October 22, 2015 15:39 Hot Recent News

    Malaysian authorities are seeking more Chinese tourists would have made Borneo nude on a beach on the island. The police came to the tourists on the trail through photos on Facebook.

  • Tunisian soldiers slain

    October 13, 2015 11:17 Hot Recent News

    Two Tunisian soldiers were slain Monday in clashes with militants in a mountainous area near the border with Algeria . Four other soldiers were wounded , said an army spokesman .

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