• Business Philadelphia falls

    Business Philadelphia falls

    philadelphia December 20, 2018 14:16 Hot Recent News

    Industrial activity around the American city of Philadelphia has once again grown less rapidly this month than a month earlier. That reported the Federal Reserve of Philadelphia.

  • Mysterious benefactor gives tons for sick child

    Mysterious benefactor gives tons for sick child

    london October 18, 2018 01:48 Hot Recent News

    A British toddler with a very rare form of leukemia can undergo specialized treatment thanks to a generous donor. The anonymous lender, according to British media, transferred 100,000 pounds (about 114,000 euros) to the parents of four-year-old Zac Oliver from Broseley.

  • Again passengers are unwell on flights to the US

    Again passengers are unwell on flights to the US

    philadelphia September 6, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    The American authorities have again raised alarms about disease symptoms on board international flights. Passengers and crew members on board two aircraft must undergo a medical check, says a Philadelphia International Airport spokesperson. It involves about 250 people.

  • Bounty homeless sees fairy tale end badly

    Bounty homeless sees fairy tale end badly

    philadelphia August 24, 2018 20:48 Hot Recent News

    A 35-year-old homeless sleeps on the street again after a woman started a crowdfunding campaign to buy a house for him. The American raised no less than $ 400,000 and then all made beautiful trips with her partner. A brand new BMW is also on the doorstep.

  • Massive protests against Trump migration policy

    Massive protests against Trump migration policy

    washington July 1, 2018 05:36 Hot Recent News

    In the United States, tens of thousands of people across the country have taken to the streets on Saturday to protest against the immigration policy of the Trump government. The biggest demonstration was in Washington, where, according to the organizers, more than 30,000 people participated. But also in cities like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles thousands of people came to the protest meetings, including celebrities like John Legend and Cher.

  • Did Trump hire 'fake' fans?

    Did Trump hire 'fake' fans?

    washington June 6, 2018 09:12 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump yesterday organized a 'celebration of the American flag' with supporters from American Football team Philadelphia Eagles. But are they real supporters? International media speculate about a staged event.

  • Symbolic: $ 1 as settlement after Starbucksrel

    Symbolic: $ 1 as settlement after Starbucksrel

    philadelphia May 2, 2018 21:42 Hot Recent News

    The two black men who were arrested in a Starbucks settlement have reached a settlement with the American city of Philadelphia. The municipality pays both men a symbolic amount of 1 dollar and promises to donate 200,000 dollars (more than 166,000 euros) for a program to teach young people entrepreneurship.

  • Victim gruesome plane crash VS is a businesswoman from Albuquerque
    0 Comment 124

    Victim gruesome plane crash VS is a businesswoman from Albuquerque

    philadelphia April 18, 2018 07:30 Hot Recent News

    The woman who died in the tragic plane accident in the United States is businesswoman Jennifer Riordan from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Riordan was on his way home after a business trip to New York. According to American media, she worked for bank Wells Fargo and played a prominent role in the local community. She leaves behind two children and a husband.

  • Andrea Constand testifies again to Cosby

    Andrea Constand testifies again to Cosby

    April 13, 2018 21:57 Hot Recent News

    In the abuse case against Bill Cosby it was Friday to Andrea Constand to tell her story to the jury. Her case is central to the process. Constand said during the session that she would like to testify because she wants justice for the victims of fallen comedians.

  • Selfie member Ryan (13) world famous

    Selfie member Ryan (13) world famous

    minneapolis February 7, 2018 11:33 Hot Recent News

    It was the most remarkable event during the sporting event in America: the Superbowl. Although the Philadelphia Eagles went off with the win, the real winner was the 13-year-old Ryan McKenna. He scored the best selfie of the evening: with Justin Timberlake. 'All my friends keep sending me that I am famous.'

  • YouTube TV service launched in US

    YouTube TV service launched in US

    san bruno April 6, 2017 09:06 Hot Recent News

    YouTube users in a number of major cities in the United States can now watch TV via the video service. Customers pay 35 dollars (33 euros) per month for YouTube TV and get in return have access to a package of fifty channels, including ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN, E !, National Geographic and Disney Channel. The Red own YouTube channel to follow.

  • Theresa May talks to Republicans

    Theresa May talks to Republicans

    philadelphia January 26, 2017 09:09 Hot Recent News

    British Prime Minister Theresa May is Thursday in Philadelphia later against politicians of the Republican ruling party say that the United States and the United Kingdom in their 'special relationship' together the world can lead again. 'After leaving the European Union, a sovereign and world-oriented Britain tightens reconnect with old friends.'

  • Republicans meet to decide policy

    Republicans meet to decide policy

    philadelphia January 25, 2017 12:27 Hot Recent News

    Leaders of the Republican Party, including President Donald Trump will, on Wednesday in the city of Philadelphia gathered for a three-day deliberation in which the US government policy should be determined in the coming period.

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