• 'Pregnant by door refused'

    'Pregnant by door refused'

    amsterdam September 12, 2017 08:51 Hot Recent News

    Amsterdam midwives report alarm over the scarcely shortage of staff in the OLVG hospitals. As a consequence, women in Amsterdam who are on the verge of regularly diverting to hospitals in Zaanstad or Amstelveen should tell several obstetricians to De Telegraaf.

  • Theologian Harry Kuitert (92) passed away
    0 Comment 108

    Theologian Harry Kuitert (92) passed away

    September 10, 2017 21:36 Hot Recent News

    In his hometown of Amstelveen, Friday theologian and ethicist Harry Kuitert died after a short sick bed. That has let his daughter know Sunday. Kuitert was especially influential in the Protestant churches in the sixties and seventies, and was the cradle of the PKN, the Protestant Church of the Netherlands.

  • Dutch Pokémon safari postponed

    Dutch Pokémon safari postponed

    amstelveen July 31, 2017 11:39 Hot Recent News

    The first Dutch edition of the Pokémon GO Safari Zone is postponed to autumn. Developer Niantic announced on Saturday that the event in the city heart of Amstelveen will not continue on 12 August. Other events in Copenhagen, Prague and Stockholm are also postponed.

  • Half Dutch pay for online video

    Half Dutch pay for online video

    amstelveen June 13, 2017 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Almost half of the 18-year-old Dutch people pay for watching movies or series through an internet service, according to figures from market researcher GfK. This happens mainly through subscriptions to video services such as Netflix or Videoland, but also through loose sales.

  • Rows Radar checked wait attractions Amsterdam
    0 Comment 139

    Rows Radar checked wait attractions Amsterdam

    amsterdam April 14, 2017 11:21 Hot Recent News

    Who wants to visit a museum or attraction in Amsterdam and want to know how long the lines are at the door in advance, can now consult the so-called Rows Radar. This test will reveal the capital waiting for visitors and at the same time see if this can lead to a better distribution of people across the city.

  • Turkish hackers crack Twitter Accounts

    Turkish hackers crack Twitter Accounts

    berlin March 15, 2017 10:12 Hot Recent News

    Presumably Turkish hackers have access to thousands of Twitter accounts Wednesday provided and there on anti-German and Dutch texts. The messages were the hashtags #Nazialmanya und #Nazihollanda, images of swastikas and include the words 'April 16 we see each other.'

  • Online shopping increasingly popular

    Online shopping increasingly popular

    amstelveen November 25, 2016 11:54 Hot Recent News

    Gifts for the holidays are purchased more frequently online. Nearly three quarters of gift buyers (72 percent) to shop on the Internet. According to research by market researcher GfK among 28,000 Dutch. Last year the number of Internet shoppers was still 4 percent lower.

  • Husband ordered live streams with child abuse

    Husband ordered live streams with child abuse

    amsterdam October 14, 2016 09:15 Hot Recent News

    A man from Amstelveen may have live streams of sexual abuse of children ordered in the Philippines. In such streams, the customer can often indicate in advance what he wants to see. His computer was confiscated but the man has not been arrested, the prosecution announced Thursday.

  • Teens accused of DDoS attack at school

    Teens accused of DDoS attack at school

    amstelveen July 8, 2016 11:24 Hot Recent News

    Two teenagers are suspected that they are behind a series of DDoS attacks on their high school in Amstelveen website. The boys were interrogated for 15 and 16 years and then held again at large, the Prosecutor's Office reported. The prosecutor decides whether the pair will be prosecuted or not.

  • 'Digi Bete 'boss helps fraudster

    'Digi Bete 'boss helps fraudster

    amstelveen June 3, 2016 04:57 Hot Recent News

    The average Dutch fraudster is a lot younger than his fellow criminals abroad. He makes his raids moreover relatively frequent use of computers and the Internet, where his older boss usually has not eaten cheese.

  • Endangered mayor: 'I do not deviate'

    Endangered mayor: 'I do not deviate'

    amstelveen March 11, 2016 07:17 Hot Recent News

    Mayor Miriam van 't Veld of Amstelveen received a threatening letter due to the arrival of refugees.,, The content was so disturbing that I did immediately reported to the police, '' the manageress Thursday wrote to the city council.

  • KLM integrates Uber and Airbnb new app
    0 Comment 503

    KLM integrates Uber and Airbnb new app

    amstelveen February 22, 2016 15:49 Hot Recent News

    KLM has Airbnb and Uber integrated into the new app for smartphones, tablets and smart watches. With Airbnb feature allows users of the restyled app easily and instantly book an accommodation at their destination. The Uber-function facilitates ordering a taxi.

  • KLM will again hold baggage from Cairo

    KLM will again hold baggage from Cairo

    amstelveen November 9, 2015 16:30 Hot Recent News

    Passengers with KLM from Cairo to Amsterdam fly may be restored simply take hold luggage. That left the airline Monday. KLM "with its own staff and resources " screening of cases taken up in the Egyptian capital.

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