• Dried with 200 km / h on the highway

    Dried with 200 km / h on the highway

    passau June 24, 2018 08:30 Hot Recent News

    Kneeled by the police, a thirty-year-old German raged in the night from Saturday to Sunday, sometimes 200 kilometers per hour across the A3 in the south of Germany. The man appeared to be under the influence of drugs.

  • German border quickly closed to refugees

    German border quickly closed to refugees

    berlin June 18, 2018 08:09 Hot Recent News

    If the appearance is not deceiving, Merkels `Willkommenskultur 'ends today with the' open borders'. Minister Horst Seehofer (Home Affairs) wants to close the Bavarian border for refugees who have already applied for asylum in another EU country.

  • Beer and brethzels on Ash Wednesday

    Beer and brethzels on Ash Wednesday

    demmin February 14, 2018 19:24 Hot Recent News

    Packed Bavarian beer halls, heavy stuff and of course trees with bretzels on wooden tables. In addition, a crowd of cheerfully drunken Germans, fat men in Lederhose, blond women in Dirndl, plus a political leader who publicly ridicules the competition. For example, an average Ash Wednesday runs with our eastern neighbors.

  • German treasure hunter may not dig up afterwards
    0 Comment 124

    German treasure hunter may not dig up afterwards

    berlin July 31, 2017 18:39 Hot Recent News

    German treasure hunter Hans Glueck (76) claims to have found a nazi tax worth 560 million in a forest in Bavaria. There is only one problem: the owner of the forest does not give Glueck permission to dig. According to the elderly treasure hunter because the man wants to keep everything for himself.

  • 'More than 960 000 refugees in Germany '

    'More than 960 000 refugees in Germany '

    passau December 7, 2015 08:56 Hot Recent News

    This year there are 964 574 refugees arrived in Germany. This was reported by the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse Monday based on answers by the Ministry of Interior to parliamentary questions, which are seen by the newspaper. The sum is based on the registration of refugees which are distributed among the German states.

  • Refugees Power Europe remains strong

    Refugees Power Europe remains strong

    passau October 31, 2015 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The number of refugees traveling through Austria to Germany remains high. Early Saturday morning were a thousand people at the border crossing with the German town of Passau. Friday more than 5,500 refugees have crossed the border at three locations in the region.

  • Migrants only at five locations in Germany

    Migrants only at five locations in Germany

    passau October 30, 2015 21:45 Hot Recent News

    Refugees who wish to Austria from Germany, from Saturday to only five places to cross the border. In which five border crossings be equipped special checkpoints. The German government on Friday it reached an agreement with the Austrian authorities. Thus, the influx of immigrants from Austria should go smoothly orderly.

  • 5 000 migrants German-Austrian border

    5 000 migrants German-Austrian border

    passau October 29, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    The influx of refugees from the German-Austrian border continues unabated. In the German border towns of Passau and Wegscheid in the night of Wednesday to Thursday nearly 5,000 migrants arrived, said a spokesman of the German federal police in Passau Wednesday night.

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