• Pegida will argue Saturday in Cologne

    Pegida will argue Saturday in Cologne

    cologne January 7, 2016 07:07 Hot Recent News

    The German anti-Islam movement Pegida wants Saturday to Cologne Main Station hold a big demonstration. Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against Islamization of the West) has called supporters then gather for the station in response to the large-scale assault and deprivation of women by groups of foreign criminals and looking at that station nearly a week ago.

  • 'Sexual assault Cologne organized crime '

    'Sexual assault Cologne organized crime '

    January 6, 2016 20:14 Hot Recent News

    The Public Prosecutor in Cologne explores the wide range of assaults and robberies in and around the station around new years as organized crime. Justice Wednesday that the descriptions of the perpetrators and the way they operated 'at least not exclude that this is an organized criminal structure'. The case is therefore in the hands of the organized crime department of the Public Ministry, reported the Cologne Rundschau.

  • Dozens declarations assault Hamburg

    Dozens declarations assault Hamburg

    hamburg January 6, 2016 15:56 Hot Recent News

    Young women in Hamburg more than fifty declarations made in response to cases of rape, assault or robbery around old and new on the Reeperbahn. This is the police of the port Wednesday. It is about 39 complaints of sexual assault and fourteen on robbery and theft.

  • Cologne police offenders in their sights

    Cologne police offenders in their sights

    cologne January 6, 2016 14:56 Hot Recent News

    The German police have identified three suspects who allegedly carried out in Cologne in assaults and robberies of women around New Year. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the State concerned, North Rhine-Westphalia, Ralf Jäger, this Wednesday told the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

  • Asscher criticizes Cologne mayor

    Asscher criticizes Cologne mayor

    January 6, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    The opinion of the Cologne mayor Henriette Reker women to keep an arm's length in order to defend themselves against attackers, is a completely wrong signal. ' Writes Minister Asscher (Social Affairs) on his Facebook page.

  • Cologne shocked 'immigrant assailants'

    Cologne shocked 'immigrant assailants'

    cologne January 5, 2016 20:49 Hot Recent News

    The rule of law must give a harsh response to the horrific raids on women in and around the Cologne station around New Year. This German Chancellor Angela Merkel Tuesday stressed. Meanwhile declared in Cologne ninety victims. And in Hamburg and also reportedly in Stuttgart there are reports of groups seemingly foreign men which women were sexually assaulted and best materials.

  • German politics demands crackdown offenders

    German politics demands crackdown offenders

    January 5, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    National and regional administrators and politicians in Germany require that the assailants of dozens of women are identified and punished in Cologne. About a thousand drunken men from Arab and North African descent joined the women in the age of new night at the station, they were sexually abused and robbed them. The police have been around ninety declarations inside.

  • German drivers on the hunt for attackers

    German drivers on the hunt for attackers

    cologne January 5, 2016 09:35 Hot Recent News

    Representatives of the city of Cologne of Justice and the Federal Police consider Tuesday the massive assault that took place on the night of New Years Eve in the German cathedral city. The authorities now have over sixty statements within women.

  • Mass rape in Cologne Cathedral
    0 Comment 274

    Mass rape in Cologne Cathedral

    cologne January 5, 2016 09:14 Hot Recent News

    In the shadow of the world famous Cologne Cathedral are at least sixty women by different groups of hundreds of North Africans assaulted and robbed. During the turn came, according to the police to many incidents of sexual violence. Media go out of eighty victims.

  • Occasional Player wins 50 million
    0 Comment 139

    Occasional Player wins 50 million

    January 4, 2016 19:35 Hot Recent News

    He had accidentally get some little money in his pocket, hit his hand a cross and won the second highest price in the history of the German lottery. A man from near Cologne Monday yielded his winning ticket in which he won Friday the Euro Jackpot of 50 million euros.

  • Ice hampers German trains

    Ice hampers German trains

    emden January 4, 2016 00:49 Hot Recent News

    Ice in northwestern Germany on Sunday has ensured that a hundred train passengers had to spend the night in a sports hall in Norddeich. The Red Cross in the town on the North Sea a few dozen kilometers from the Dutch border provided the stranded passengers of tea, food and blankets. The travelers were on their way to Cologne, but arrived shortly after departure between Norddeich and Emden to stand still. A diesel locomotive is towed back to the train after a few hours.

  • Mass brawl German asylum

    Mass brawl German asylum

    ellwangen January 3, 2016 19:42 Hot Recent News

    In a mass brawl in a refugee center in Germany Sunday four people injured. Fifty refugees went to blows with each other at a center in Ellwangen near Stuttgart. They then used iron bars, fire extinguishers and stones. A police car was pelted with stones. The cause of the brawl is unclear. The center with several thousand inhabitants one of the largest in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg.

  • Dead and 19 injured in accident near Cologne

    Dead and 19 injured in accident near Cologne

    cologne December 25, 2015 11:35 Hot Recent News

    By a serious accident on a highway near the German city of Cologne on Thursday a dead cases and are nineteen people injured. In the accident were, according to German police eight cars involved. A wounded life is in danger, seven are seriously injured. The rest suffered lighter injuries. Among the victims are probably several children.

  • German police hold suspects

    German police hold suspects

    November 23, 2015 21:30 Hot Recent News

    The German police Monday in a shelter for asylum seekers in the town of Heinsberg near Cologne arrested two men. The police acted after statements from witnesses who said that in the shelter "several persons of Arab origin " ceased who came from Paris and Belgium. This was reported by the German news RP Online.

  • 14-year-old flight by bus on German highway

    14-year-old flight by bus on German highway

    cologne November 10, 2015 15:45 Hot Recent News

    A fourteen year old boy on Tuesday 30 kilometers with a bendi on German motorways driven around Cologne. A motorist attacked the young driver and his uncertain way of driving on the A57 at the height of in Chorweiler. He alerted the police, who started the pursuit.

  • Belgian criminal suspects murder extradited
    0 Comment 431

    Belgian criminal suspects murder extradited

    brussels November 7, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    Two suspects in the murder of the Belgian criminal Silvio Aquino are Friday through France extradited to Belgium. The two were arrested over two weeks ago in a hotel in the southern French city of Nice. They are transferred to a prison in Belgium.

  • German police use water cannon at protest

    German police use water cannon at protest

    cologne October 25, 2015 22:33 Hot Recent News

    The German police Sunday in Cologne deployed water cannons against leftist activists who were protesting against a march of about six hundred members of the Hooligans against Salafists (Hogesa). The protesters were about ten thousand men.

  • Antarctic ozone hole suddenly big

    Antarctic ozone hole suddenly big

    cologne October 23, 2015 21:11 Hot Recent News

    The hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole has unexpectedly grown to the second largest size ever measured. That's what scientists at the German research center DLR determined using satellites. Are likely to cause major changes in air currents in the stratosphere.

  • Shot German politician consciousness

    Shot German politician consciousness

    cologne October 20, 2015 09:29 Hot Recent News

    The German politician stabbed Henriette Reker regained consciousness . The 58 -year-old Reker got seriously injured Saturday when she was attacked by a man with a knife. An emergency operation that day was successful. On Monday she was taken out of an artificial coma , reported the newspaper Rheinische Post.

  • Offender knifing no ringleader extreme right

    Offender knifing no ringleader extreme right

    cologne October 19, 2015 12:56 Hot Recent News

    The 44 -year-old man who sat in Cologne mayor candidate Henriette Reker stabbed , was only a peripheral figure in the extreme right-wing camp . The chief of the secret service of North Rhine - Westphalia announced on Monday that the man in recent years " occasionally turned up on the Internet, but not as ringleader ."

  • Emergency Surgery Reker gone according to plan

    Emergency Surgery Reker gone according to plan

    cologne October 17, 2015 23:24 Hot Recent News

    The emergency operation that the Cologne mayor candidate Henriette Reker has undergone Saturday , went well . The 58 -year-old politician was stabbed earlier in the day. In addition, she was among more hit in her neck. In the attack, four people were injured.

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