• Pope compares abortion with rent murder

    Pope compares abortion with rent murder

    rome October 10, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis compared abortion with rent murder. In the past, the pope sometimes said that his Roman Catholic Church is too concerned with debates about abortion. He also showed some understanding in 2015 for women who let their pregnancy end 'because they see no other way out.' He also described abortion as a sin, but at the same time as a tragedy.

  • Pope honors Ireland's 'holy drinker'

    Pope honors Ireland's 'holy drinker'

    vatican city August 24, 2018 21:00 Hot Recent News

    Matt Talbot, a Dubliner who died in 1925, was once a notorious slap. Now he is on his way to becoming a saint. Pope Francis will honor him on Saturday during his visit to predominantly Catholic Ireland, but not by giving a toast.

  • Russian trolls twittered about vaccination

    Russian trolls twittered about vaccination

    washington August 24, 2018 13:00 Hot Recent News

    Russian Twitter accounts have attempted to raise unrest in more ways. That is what American scientists say. The accounts would also have written about vaccinations. The researchers from three prestigious American universities write about it in the American Journal of Public Health.

  • 'Dog opens freight hatch of passenger aircraft'

    'Dog opens freight hatch of passenger aircraft'

    moscow July 23, 2018 14:54 Hot Recent News

    A dog has opened the cargo hatch during a flight from Saint Petersburg to Moscow. As a result, the passenger unit was forced to make an emergency landing. The dog had escaped from his cage in the luggage room and in one way or another had opened the hatch of the Boeing 737, reports the Russian news agency Interfax on the basis of an employee from the Moscow airport.

  • Cancer patients receive $ 4.7 billion in damages

    Cancer patients receive $ 4.7 billion in damages

    July 13, 2018 06:30 Hot Recent News

    Johnson \u0026 amp; Johnson (J \u0026 J) has to pay compensation of 4.7 billion dollars, approximately 4 billion euros, to 22 women who claim to have received ovarian cancer through the use of talcum powder from the American pharmacy group. This has determined a jury in St. Louis. In the talcum powder, asbestos would have been.

  • King Filip at France-Belgium semi-finals

    King Filip at France-Belgium semi-finals

    July 8, 2018 14:24 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian King Filip is watching the semi-final between France and Belgium at the World Cup on Tuesday from the stands in St. Petersburg. That confirms a source to the Belga news agency. The palace refused to confirm the trip from Filip to Russia on Saturday.

  • Queen Elizabeth feels unwell and cancels plans

    Queen Elizabeth feels unwell and cancels plans

    June 28, 2018 13:21 Hot Recent News

    Queen Elizabeth (92) does not feel well and has decided to stay at home. The British queen planned to attend the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George on Thursday. The celebration is at St. Paul's Cathedral in the inner city of London.

  • Boy sent away to shorts, returns in skirt

    Boy sent away to shorts, returns in skirt

    aberaeron June 21, 2018 10:54 Hot Recent News

    The 16-year-old student Louis Fice from Wales was sent home by his school last week because he came to school in shorts. Shorts are not part of the school uniform, that's how it sounded. No point Fice thought and returned in a skirt a little later.

  • 'Surprises' with restoration Lam Gods
    0 Comment 189

    'Surprises' with restoration Lam Gods

    ghent June 19, 2018 14:15 Hot Recent News

    The restoration of the altarpiece Lam Gods by the brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck has yielded some surprises. After the removal of overpaintings from the sixteenth century, the muzzle of the lamb on the central panel appears more pronounced. Moreover, the animal seems to look more penetrating.

  • Hat Napoleon auctioned in Lyon

    Hat Napoleon auctioned in Lyon

    lyon June 18, 2018 12:09 Hot Recent News

    A hat that the French emperor Napoleon left behind on the battlefield of Waterloo will be auctioned in Lyon on Monday. The so-called stitch was taken away by the Dutch Baron Arnout Jacques Van Zuijlen Van Nijevelt after the defeat of Napoleon in Waterloo.

  • Paris clears large migrant camp

    Paris clears large migrant camp

    paris May 30, 2018 08:21 Hot Recent News

    The police have started in Paris with the evacuation of the largest camp of migrants of the region. Approximately 1700 people have to leave the settlement at the Porte de la Villette. They are taken to about twenty temporary places in the Paris region, where their origin and status will be looked at.

  • Elderly couple refuse to leave home

    Elderly couple refuse to leave home

    bredene May 27, 2018 21:24 Hot Recent News

    Although they are offered a few million, 86-year-old Louis and his partner refuse to leave their home in the Belgian coastal city of Bredene. In the meantime, an apartment complex is being built right next to their house, which looks rather remarkable.

  • First royalty supporters are already ready

    First royalty supporters are already ready

    May 16, 2018 09:15 Hot Recent News

    In Windsor, the first British royalty fans have claimed a spot on the route where Saturday Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle ride by carriage. Among them is the 82-year-old Terry Hutt, who last month also camped for the hospital in London where Prince Louis was born.

  • Paters Westvleteren leave beer behind

    Paters Westvleteren leave beer behind

    westvleteren March 25, 2018 21:45 Hot Recent News

    The Flemish fathers who brew the exclusive Trappist beer Westvleteren, have buried the battle ax with the Dutch supermarket chain Jan Linders. The Flemish broadcaster VRT reports that they were not taking legal action, after the company had promised not to sell the Trappist again.

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