• Last truck of collapsed viaduct Genoa
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    Last truck of collapsed viaduct Genoa

    genoa December 9, 2018 11:00 Hot Recent News

    Almost four months after the partial collapse of the Polcevera viaduct in Genoa, the last truck that was still on the remains was removed. This weekend, the fire brigade drove the Italian lorry backwards from the bridge and spread images from it on Sunday.

  • Demolition bridge Genoa starts mid December

    Demolition bridge Genoa starts mid December

    genoa November 12, 2018 12:16 Hot Recent News

    The demolition of the remains of the collapsed bridge in Genoa must begin on 15 December. If everything goes according to plan, the western part will be the first to be demolished, according to the mayor of the Italian port city, Marco Bucci, in a TV interview.

  • Eleven dead and great chaos through Italy's severe weather

    Eleven dead and great chaos through Italy's severe weather

    genoa October 30, 2018 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The death toll due to the severe weather that Italy has been tormenting for three days has risen to eleven on Tuesday. Someone is also missing. A large part of Venice came under water. On videos you can see how tourists waded through the water of the flooded St. Mark's Square and how a restaurant, despite a low water of at least twenty centimeters, still served pizzas.

  • France wants vignette for trucks

    France wants vignette for trucks

    paris September 24, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    The French government wants to introduce a special toll for trucks that cross the country. The French Minister for the Environment François de Rugy said this Monday. The government is thinking of a sticker or vignette. Next year the government will come up with a detailed plan.

  • Pieces of Italian bridge collapse downwards

    Pieces of Italian bridge collapse downwards

    l \u0026 # x27; aquila September 11, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    From a bridge of a motorway in the Italian L \u0026 # x27; Aquila, pieces of concrete have come loose. The chunks ended up on a road under the highway on Monday evening, but nobody was hurt, reported ANSA news agency.

  • Traffic minister Italy tackles road managers

    Traffic minister Italy tackles road managers

    rome August 27, 2018 20:48 Hot Recent News

    After the collapse of the bridge in Genoa, the Italian government will go through the licenses of all road operators. In addition, the private managers must also submit the maintenance and modernization measures. This is what traffic minister Danilo Toninelli told the parliament on Monday. He called the accident, in which 43 people died 'absurd' and according to him it could have been avoided.

  • Remaining bridge Genoa makes strange noises: fire brigade ceases work

    Remaining bridge Genoa makes strange noises: fire brigade ceases work

    genoa August 20, 2018 11:16 Hot Recent News

    For safety reasons, Italian firefighters ceased operations on the collapsed viaduct in Genoa on Monday. The bridge section that still hangs above the vacated houses makes strange noises. According to a spokesperson, these were different than the past few days. The evacuated people may under no circumstances go to their homes to pick up things.

  • Italy wants to get rid of concession bruge operator

    Italy wants to get rid of concession bruge operator

    genoa August 20, 2018 07:32 Hot Recent News

    Italy still wants to withdraw the motorway concession previously granted to the operator of the collapsed bridge in Genoa, despite the € 500 million in initial aid from Autostrade per l \u0026 # x27; Italia. According to Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini of Italy, the victims of the marriage deserve the plans for the withdrawal of the concession.

  • First victims accident Genoa commemorated

    First victims accident Genoa commemorated

    genoa August 18, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    In Genoa Saturday a commemoration service was held for the first 18 of the total of 42 people who died after the collapse of the bridge last Tuesday. There was applause for the deceased, but also for the employees of the emergency services and for the 560 people who lived in houses near or under the bridge and who had become homeless.

  • Deaths of grugramp Genoa continues

    Deaths of grugramp Genoa continues

    rome August 18, 2018 13:16 Hot Recent News

    Italian rescue workers found the body of a 30-year-old man under the rubble of the collapsed bridge in Genoa. That reports the Italian state broadcaster RAI. The number of deaths has risen to 42. The death toll was not yet official, because the bodies have not yet been identified.

  • EU encouraged Rome: invest in road and rail

    EU encouraged Rome: invest in road and rail

    brussels August 16, 2018 15:48 Hot Recent News

    The EU has repeatedly urged Italy to invest more and more targeted money in the country's infrastructure. Italy will also receive 2.5 billion euros from the EU structural funds between 2014 and 2020 for the improvement of road and rail. In April, the European Commission approved an investment plan of 8.5 billion euros, including for the approach to motorways in and around Genoa.

  • Emergency situation in Genoa region

    Emergency situation in Genoa region

    genoa August 15, 2018 19:48 Hot Recent News

    Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has declared a state of emergency in the Genoa region where a crucial traffic bridge collapsed on Tuesday. He said that to do so at the request of the local authorities.

  • Bulgaria is going to renovate rickety bridges

    Bulgaria is going to renovate rickety bridges

    sofia August 15, 2018 18:16 Hot Recent News

    Bulgaria is accelerating the renovation of 211 rickety bridges as a result of the disaster in Genoa. Viaducts of 35 years and older have never been thoroughly taken care of, some even not at all. The Minister of Regional Development Nikolaj Nankov said this on Wednesday during the cabinet meeting in Sofia.

  • Residents under Genoa bridge do not go home

    Residents under Genoa bridge do not go home

    genoa August 15, 2018 16:32 Hot Recent News

    The more than 300 families that were evacuated after the collapse of the road bridge in Genoa can not go home. Rescue workers from, among others, the fire brigade have also ceased their work in a creaking pylon of the destroyed bridge. It also seems to go wrong.

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