• Memorial Service for Muhammad Ali

    Memorial Service for Muhammad Ali

    June 10, 2016 06:27 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people Thursday in Louisville in Kentucky farewell to boxer Muhammad Ali, who died last week at the age of 74. The Islamic funeral service was held at the Freedom Hall, which defeated the former world champion in 1962. Willi Besmanoff.

  • Dozens killed in Bangladesh by cyclone

    Dozens killed in Bangladesh by cyclone

    dhaka May 21, 2016 17:12 Hot Recent News

    In Bangladesh, at least 22 people were killed by a cyclone. Most of the victims were slain by fallen trees or collapsed houses, reported local authorities Saturday. More than 50,000 homes have been damaged by the natural disaster.

  • Bangladesh depends war criminal on

    Bangladesh depends war criminal on

    dhaka May 10, 2016 20:24 Hot Recent News

    Bangladesh on Wednesday early in the Islamist party leader Motiur Rahman Nizami (73) hanged in the central prison of Dhaka. He was sentenced to death for war crimes during the war of independence with Pakistan in 1971.

  • murdered tailor Bangladesh

    dhaka April 30, 2016 15:56 Hot Recent News

    A Hindu tailor in Bangladesh killed Saturday morning in the town of Tangail, about 80 kilometers northwest of the capital Dhaka. The terrorist group Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • murdered gay magazine editor Bangladesh
    0 Comment 101

    murdered gay magazine editor Bangladesh

    dhaka April 25, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    An editor of the first magazine for gay, bisexual and transgender people in Bangladesh attacked with knives in an apartment and killed. That the BBC reports Monday based on media reports and statements by government officials.

  • Bangladesh unravels spectacular cyber thriller

    Bangladesh unravels spectacular cyber thriller

    dhaka April 18, 2016 11:35 Hot Recent News

    If a screenplay knew cybercriminals converted less than 71 million euros to wrest the central bank of Bangladesh. The researchers have been awarded the hunt for those responsible for the detection of twenty foreigners. Their names and nationalities later revealed, according to the head of the Public Prosecutor of the Asian country.

  • Millions of drinking poisoned water in Bangladesh

    Millions of drinking poisoned water in Bangladesh

    dhaka April 6, 2016 11:14 Hot Recent News

    An estimated twenty million people in Bangladesh drink still water contaminated with arsenic, which occurs naturally in the soil. The problem has been known for twenty years but so far the government in Dhaka has done little. This was announced by the human rights organization Human Rights Watch on Wednesday.

  • First migrant boat arrived in Turkey

    First migrant boat arrived in Turkey

    lesbos April 4, 2016 08:35 Hot Recent News

    The first boat with migrants who traveled Monday morning arrived in recent months to Greece in Turkey. Returning migrants is part of a deal between the European Union and Turkey to stem the flow of refugees to Europe.

  • Help near for 'bomenman'
    0 Comment 341

    Help near for 'bomenman'

    dhaka January 31, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Help is at hand for 'bomenman 'Abul Bajandar. The 25-year-old man from Bangladesh suffers from a rare genetic skin disease
    epidermodysplasia verruciformis , which ensures that giant warts on his hands and feet grow. A team of specialists is now investigating how they can help Abul.

  • Children victims of family feud

    dhaka January 4, 2016 09:42 Hot Recent News

    Three children aged eight to twelve years of his Sunday in place jhenaidah district in Bangladesh burned in a chamber where they were trapped by an uncle. A family feud could underlie the drama. The uncle was arrested, as the police told them Monday.

  • Dead and wounded by the earthquake in India

    Dead and wounded by the earthquake in India

    January 4, 2016 08:00 Hot Recent News

    At least four people were killed by a massive earthquake in the eastern Indian state of Manipur. Nearly a hundred people were injured. The epicenter of the quake with a magnitude 6.8 was about 22 kilometers northwest of the provincial capital, Imphal, according to the report from the US Geological Survey USGS.

  • Death penalty for murdering blogger Bangladesh

    dhaka December 31, 2015 10:21 Hot Recent News

    Two men are in Bangladesh Thursday sentenced to death because they killed an atheist blogger in 2013. The killers were members of a radical Islamic movement. Its leader was given five years in prison, media reported on the South Asian country.

  • German agent reads alarm

    German agent reads alarm

    berlin November 3, 2015 10:45 Hot Recent News

    The German police daily influx of some ten thousand refugees can not take it anymore and sounding the alarm. "This is our biggest challenge since World War II," says union boss Rainer Wendt

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