Rutte: Understanding for attack in Syria

The Netherlands understands an American attack on the regime of President Assad of Syria, now that there is much evidence that chemical weapons have been used against the population of Douma.

'We think it is very likely that Syria is behind this terrible attack,' Rutte said at the conclusion of the trade mission he led in the Asian superpower. 'For the Netherlands, for a number of years we have defined very precisely when we consider a legal basis for an attack to be present or not, which is why we always choose our words very carefully. '

'But if there would be an attack, then we understand that, as Minister of Defense Ank Bijleveld had said yesterday and after her visit to New York, where she spoke about the situation in Syria with her American minister Jim Mattis. In that case it is important that it is done proportionally. '

The Netherlands, Rutte repeated once again, regrets Russia's decision to stop agreement on an investigation in the United Nations Security Council. ' That could have led to finding out exactly what happened, and it was also really possible to find out who should be held responsible for the attack. '

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