Files on Boxing Day by day trippers

Because many people ventured out on Boxing Day, there were traffic jams in several places.

The files were of the VID mainly due to increased economic growth and consumer confidence. Many people were in the car to visit a furniture mall or amusement park, but also often went to visit relatives.

Most files were in the center and south of the country. It was the busiest on the A1 between Apeldoorn and Amsterdam. On the A9 in Akersloot was a long traffic jam that two matrix boards were broken gone by the wind.

The files were of the VID mainly due to increased economic growth and consumer confidence. Many people were in the car to visit a furniture mall or amusement park, but also often went to visit relatives.

Most files were in the center and south of the country. It was the busiest on the A1 between Apeldoorn and Amsterdam. On the A9 in Akersloot was a long traffic jam that two matrix boards were broken gone by the wind.