ACM is investigating conditions for video platforms

During a study on video platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Netflix and Dumpert, the Consumer and Market Authority (ACM) has been arrested on unfair terms.

The supervisor has investigated the terms and conditions that make online video platforms to consumers. This research shows that some conditions are unfair. 'For example, because they deny consumers certain rights. These conditions are not unique to video platforms, they can be found with many online services,' the supervisor concludes. The ACM is now expanding the research into these terms, along with European colleagues.

Consumer Authority \u0026 amp; Market wants to gain insight into the competition in the video market which, according to the watchdog, is a stormy development. None of the online video platforms currently has a dominant position on the online video market and the ads around it, concludes the ACM. 'In such a turbulent market, however, there is the chance of competition problems still occurring. Therefore, ACM will continue to monitor the online video streaming market in the near future.'