• Edit war for Trump penis photo
    0 Comment 123

    Edit war for Trump penis photo

    washington November 24, 2018 12:16 Hot Recent News

    On the Wikipedia page of Donald Trump last Thursday a picture of a penis. His usual portrait photo was replaced by a male genitals by internet users, after which an online war erupted, a Wiki editor reveals today.

  • Fake news in Brazil

    Fake news in Brazil

    sao paulo October 20, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    On his laptop, journalist Sérgio Lüdtke shows the video. 'Look, someone is showing a bottle with a teat in the shape of a penis.' A male voice tells that the bottle is part of a so-called 'homo package' intended to combat homophobia.

  • Huawei opens box of tricks

    Huawei opens box of tricks

    london October 16, 2018 17:48 Hot Recent News

    The Chinese brand Huawei has not been a small player for a long time. Last week, Bloomberg Intelligence even reported that the brand in the home country had overtaken Apple. Yesterday, Richard Yu presented the Mate 20 Series smartphones and a new smartwatch at the London ExCel Arena. Both with impressive and striking specifications and possibilities.

  • Review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    Review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    October 4, 2018 14:16 Hot Recent News

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey throws you right into the world of ancient Greece, where you as the oldest child of a Spartan general travel throughout the country and experience a personal story full of intrigue and violence.

  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    September 14, 2018 08:32 Hot Recent News

    Lara Croft has been running the hearts of many gamers for 22 years now, her popularity has not gotten any worse over the years. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the final piece of a successful reboot of the series.

  • After 45 years without a penis, man finally has sex...
    0 Comment 157

    After 45 years without a penis, man finally has sex...

    manchester September 11, 2018 23:16 Hot Recent News

    Andrew Wardle (45) from Manchester has finally- for the first time- had sex with his girlfriend. For him, born without a penis, it did not last all his life. Until doctors in a 10-hour operation provided him with a proud genitals, made from the skin of his forearm, the nerves from one leg and an artificial erection system.

  • 'ECB wants woman as bank boss'

    'ECB wants woman as bank boss'

    frankfurt (anp) August 24, 2018 08:16 Hot Recent News

    The European Central Bank (ECB) prefers a woman when looking for a new head for banking supervision. That is what insiders tell Bloomberg news agency. The deadline to apply for the post ends Friday.

  • Croatian president steals hearts from TV viewers worldwide
    0 Comment 141

    Croatian president steals hearts from TV viewers worldwide

    amsterdam July 16, 2018 15:24 Hot Recent News

    They remained upright on the field, but the French world champions melted away one by one at the intimate embrace of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. In the case of a hugely embarrassing bosom shirt, they could not help but embarrass the courageous head in proper respect for so much honest enthusiasm. A stark contrast with which she put cool fool Putin, who stood in the rain for a long time as a true gentleman, under the umbrella. You have to be the winner if you 'celebrate' your loss.

  • 'Surrogate mother' must save white rhinoceros

    'Surrogate mother' must save white rhinoceros

    berlin July 5, 2018 21:24 Hot Recent News

    The death of Sudan, the last male white northern rhinoceros, which with its 45 years and despite all kinds of encouragement no longer succeeded in fertilizing one of the two remaining female species, does not necessarily mean the end of his race. Scientists are convinced that a white northern rhinoceros baby will be born within three years.

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