• Brussels prohibits disposable plastic

    Brussels prohibits disposable plastic

    brussels May 28, 2018 11:24 Hot Recent News

    Cotton buds, straws, disposable cutlery and plates, balloon sticks, stirrers and other plastic disposable items for which there are sustainable and affordable alternatives should be banned if it is up to the European Commission. Vice-chairman Frans Timmermans presented proposals on Monday to counter the accumulation of plastic waste in the oceans.

  • Toddler turns into a children's train

    Toddler turns into a children's train

    narbonne May 27, 2018 10:06 Hot Recent News

    A child of two and a half years was killed in a children's train in the south of France. According to French media, the boy was in the train when it fell backwards due to unknown reasons and the part of the train behind it was hit.

  • Belgian 'sperm whale' makes Germans sweat
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    Belgian 'sperm whale' makes Germans sweat

    zingst May 25, 2018 18:33 Hot Recent News

    An action by a Belgian artists' collective, a 17-meter-long plastic sperm whale, to be placed on a beach in Zingst on the German Baltic coast, caused quite a lot of swell next Friday. The artists had not announced their action, so that the authorities of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the local police did not know what was going on.

  • 'Bodies beheaded heads back to Egypt'

    'Bodies beheaded heads back to Egypt'

    misrata May 14, 2018 09:06 Hot Recent News

    Libya is sending the bodies of twenty decapitated heads back to Egypt on Monday. Terror organization IS executed the men already in 2015, but the bodies could only be recovered in October last year. That happened after IS was expelled from the area where the Egyptians were buried.

  • Weather shoe washed up with foot in Canada

    Weather shoe washed up with foot in Canada

    gabriola May 10, 2018 10:54 Hot Recent News

    The Canadian police found a shoe on the British Columbia coast with the remains of a foot in it. The sinister find does not stand alone, it is the fourteenth time that a shoe washes with foot on the shores of the Canadian province. The mystery keeps the emotions busy and there is pressure on the origin of the feet.

  • Australia wants monument for Captain Cook

    Australia wants monument for Captain Cook

    sydney April 29, 2018 07:24 Hot Recent News

    The Australian government wants to create a new monument to commemorate April 29, the day that the British explorer James Cook set foot on the continent for the first time in 1770. The attraction comes in Botany Bay, the place where the crew of the British ship Endeavor first met with the original population of Australia, the Aborigines. That was a turning point in the history of the country.

  • Belgians will count shells

    Belgians will count shells

    ostend March 8, 2018 13:06 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian coast next Saturday is the setting for the first Grote Schelpenteldag. Scientists call everyone to come to the beach to help map the biodiversity of the coast.

  • Alligator on the move

    Alligator on the move

    flagler beach (florida) March 7, 2018 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Customers from an antique shop in Florida looked strange when they suddenly saw a green monster crawling past the store. A lost alligator with good taste ran right past the shop, which caused a slight panic in the shoppers present.

  • Traffic jammed in southern French snow

    Traffic jammed in southern French snow

    montpellier March 1, 2018 10:03 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people in the south of France got stuck in traffic due to heavy snowfall and slipperiness. On Twitter, a family complains that they have virtually come to a halt in the night from Wednesday to Thursday on the A9 motorway in the Montpellier area. 'We have advanced one kilometer in thirteen hours.'

  • Rare shark attack at Sydney

    Rare shark attack at Sydney

    sydney February 24, 2018 09:48 Hot Recent News

    A 55-year-old woman was attacked in the sea near Sydney by a white shark and seriously injured. It was the first time in 25 years that a swimmer was attacked by a shark in the area.

  • More than 20 tourists in Thailand injured by poisonous polyps

    More than 20 tourists in Thailand injured by poisonous polyps

    changwat songkhla February 20, 2018 10:27 Hot Recent News

    On a popular beach in the southernmost part of Thailand, 23 tourists with poisonous jellyfish have come into contact in recent days. They had to be tormented to hospitals by pain. The local authorities reported Tuesday that the 23 were hit by a so-called Portuguese warship, a collection of poisonous polyps that are also called jellyfish by their appearance.

  • Downstream Thai beach must close to save coral

    Downstream Thai beach must close to save coral

    February 14, 2018 11:15 Hot Recent News

    Maya Bay in the bay of Koh Phi Phi is perhaps the most famous tourist attraction in Thailand. Thousands of tourists a day visit the beach and come back with a jealous photo that quickly becomes a jealous postcard. Those hordes of tourists also have a downside: the coral is in danger. That's why the beach closes.

  • Helicopter crashes at home in California

    Helicopter crashes at home in California

    newport beach January 31, 2018 06:03 Hot Recent News

    Three people died when a helicopter crashed in a residential area on Newport Beach in California. According to the police, four people were on board the helicopter. Two people were also injured in the accident. Nothing is known yet about the condition of the wounded.

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