Rescue tunnel well boy Julen only about half

Around five o'clock on Sunday morning, the rescue team around the 'well boy' had wanted to get rid of the vertical tunnel, with which they wanted to pick up Julen.

On Saturday afternoon around two o'clock, the mega-drill could finally be turned on, after the mountain had flattened by 23 meters next to Julen's well and the platform for the drill was finally ready. Initially, three meters per hour could be drilled. But around two o'clock this morning- at a depth of twenty meters- there was a new setback: the drill came upon a thick layer of hard rock of five meters. The drill heads had to be changed- this resulted in a two-hour delay and the rhythm went down to two meters per hour. 'With this type of terrain you have alternately softer rock and very hard, rocky pieces,' explains engineer Lopez Escobar from Malaga. 'That greatly complicates the operation. 'The rain that fell this night also caused some delay.