May does not reject a longer transition period

The British Prime Minister Theresa May does not reject the idea of ​​extending the transitional period after the Brexit.

If the United Kingdom leaves the EU next March, a transition period is planned until December 31, 2020, in which the European rules will continue to apply to the British. Extension is very sensitive to British brexit trailers.

For most Member States, including the Netherlands, a longer transition period of one year seems acceptable. That time can then be used to find a solution for the customs controls between Ireland and the British Northern Ireland. Nobody wants a hard limit there.

May thinks that by the end of 2020 a detailed agreement can be reached on the relationship with the EU in which the border problem is solved. Then there is no need for an extension, according to the prime minister. She said that at the EU summit in Brussels where the remaining leaders decided to take more time to reach a deal on the divorce.