De Wever is again the largest in Antwerp

The votes in municipal elections in Belgium have not yet been counted everywhere, but in Antwerp mayor Bart de Wever and his N-VA can continue to rule the city with the Christian Democratic CD \u0026 amp; V and the liberal Open VLD.

Throughout Flanders, the N-VA seems to be the winner with 35 percent. Although this is a small loss compared to 2012, it is broad enough to remain the largest party.

The socialists seem to continue the downward trend of the last elections with another loss of council seats, both for the sp. a in Flanders as the PS in Wallonia. A patch on the wound is that the party is probably the largest in the capital Brussels.

The Green party seems to be the most profitable in Flanders and is heading for its best score ever. In Antwerp, the party won seven seats and boarded eleven people.