• Digitisation is changing economy

    Digitisation is changing economy

    November 2, 2015 23:30 Hot Recent News

    Digitizing the Dutch economy is changing more than robots, ING Economic Bureau, in a report published Monday on the basis of its own study. Under digitization means faster chips, the use of big data (eg customer data and transaction data) and connecting devices to the Internet to exchange data. These technologies will have a major impact on the economy of our country, more than robotics, 3D printing , alternative energy and new materials, the economists expect the bank.

  • EU ready for cooperation with Libya

    EU ready for cooperation with Libya

    luxembourg October 12, 2015 16:13 Hot Recent News

    The Member States of the European Union are in the starting blocks to work closely with the unity government of Libya as soon as it is formed. There is a "substantial" aid package prepared in consultation with the Libyan authorities can be used immediately.

  • Tommelein will not pay for storage

    Tommelein will not pay for storage

    antwerp October 11, 2015 17:08 Hot Recent News

    The Flemish Minister for the North Sea Bart Tommelein is not going the full bill for salvaging the Dutch freighter Flinterstar pay just . The company waives the ship, but Tommelein does not intend " to accept uncritically ," he said Sunday in the TV program The Seventh Day .

  • World Bank and UN Action for Refugees

    World Bank and UN Action for Refugees

    October 11, 2015 10:11 Hot Recent News

    The World Bank and the United Nations want to make more money with new financing instruments for countries in the Middle East and North Africa faced by many refugees . In addition, there will be more money for countries in the region affected by conflict or in need of significant investment to build their economies.

  • Firemen put out German asylum house on fire

    Firemen put out German asylum house on fire

    hagen October 9, 2015 21:47 Hot Recent News

    A 25 year-old German fireman has confessed that he founded together with another fire at a refugee shelter in place Altena (North Rhine Westphalia ) . Also known partner in the interrogations of the police attack on the house last Saturday. The two live in the area of reception.

  • Nobel 's message for whole regions

    Nobel 's message for whole regions

    October 9, 2015 21:47 Hot Recent News

    The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Tunisian National Dialogue consultative Quartet has a message for the entire region. That said trade unionist Houcine Abassi Friday in a response. Abassi is the leader of one of the parties of the Quartet , the UGTT ( Tunisian General Union of Labour ) . He believes it is an honor for Tunisia , but also hope for the Arab world because it emphasizes the power of negotiation and dialogue .

  • France bombards camp IS

    France bombards camp IS

    October 9, 2015 12:42 Hot Recent News

    France has in the fight against Islamic State (IS) for the second time air strikes carried out in Syria . French Defense Minister Jean -Yves Le Drian has for the broadcaster Europe 1 said that a training camp was attacked and hit in the night from Thursday to Friday .

  • Mali elephants threatened by poaching

    Mali elephants threatened by poaching

    bamako October 9, 2015 11:45 Hot Recent News

    Elephants in the desert of Mali are threatened by poaching. According to the United Nations this year are already 57 of the approximately three hundred elephants slain in the North African country . Marauders make good use of the insecurity in the region . Waiting park are threatened by Islamists , according to the UN.

  • Hollande: We were slow

    Hollande: We were slow

    strasbourg October 7, 2015 17:20 Hot Recent News

    Europe was slow to recognize that the tragedy in North Africa and the Middle East also had an impact on Europe . That said, French President Francois Hollande Wednesday during a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He was referring specifically to the problems in this region that led to massive fled , with Europe as final destination.

  • Feathers bring 12 000 migrants to Piraeus

    Feathers bring 12 000 migrants to Piraeus

    October 7, 2015 14:16 Hot Recent News

    The Greek port of Piraeus within twelve hours received 12 000 refugees on the quays. Ferries brought Tuesday 7000 migrants who came from the islands of Lesbos and Chios . Wednesday morning there were another 5000 people who were picked up at the North Aegean islands.

  • Cube Jellyfish kills German woman
    0 Comment 120

    Cube Jellyfish kills German woman

    bangkok October 7, 2015 11:12 Hot Recent News

    A twenty-year- woman from the German Göttingen in Thailand by contact with a highly venomous box jellyfish killed . The woman was Tuesday evening on the holiday island of Koh Samui with a friend to go swimming when both were touched by the tentacles of a jellyfish. In the hospital died, the 20 -year-old , the other was only minor injuries , according to the Thai police .

  • European Union opens hunt for smugglers

    European Union opens hunt for smugglers

    brussels October 7, 2015 10:02 Hot Recent News

    The European Union is since Wednesday in the Mediterranean in search of smugglers . Under the code name Sophia Search naval forces especially the routes from Libya to Italy. Coordination is in the hands of the Italian Admiral Enrico CREDENDINO in Rome .

  • Deaths from floods US

    Deaths from floods US

    October 7, 2015 00:36 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather in the US states of South and North Carolina has killed at least thirteen people died . The victims were killed by heavy floods that were caused by heavy rainfall. The victims drowned or were killed in traffic accidents.

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