• Garbage dump collapses, dozens missing

    Garbage dump collapses, dozens missing

    guatemala April 29, 2016 21:21 Hot Recent News

    Dozens of people are missing after the collapse of a huge mountain of waste in Guatemala. Most sought among the trash for useful stuff. Four people were killed and fifteen were injured, reported the board of the capital Guatemala City Friday.

  • once suspected ex-president Guatemala

    once suspected ex-president Guatemala

    guatemala April 26, 2016 06:07 Hot Recent News

    Former Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina and his place substitute Roxana Baletti suspected of involvement in a new corruption scandal. The two ministers would have received bribes in the contracting of the construction of the container port of Puerto Quetzal. That was the indictment Monday.

  • Guatemala airport closed due to volcano
    0 Comment 562

    Guatemala airport closed due to volcano

    January 21, 2016 16:49 Hot Recent News

    The international airport of Guatemala City is closed Thursday due to an eruption of Fuego. The volcano spews lava and ash up to six kilometers into the sky, according to the Guatemalan newspaper La Prensa Libre. The axis is in the wide area of ​​more than 3700 meters high volcano down.

  • Bloody battle in jail Guatemala

    January 2, 2016 13:28 Hot Recent News

    At least eight prisoners were killed when inmates fell upon each other in a prison in Guatemala. At least twenty people were injured, said Eunice Mendizabal Minister of the Interior.

  • Cuba solution refugees within reach

    Cuba solution refugees within reach

    December 29, 2015 08:49 Hot Recent News

    There seems to be a solution to be found for the thousands of Cuban refugees stranded in Costa Rica. The Central American countries have agreed to a pilot project, with which the asylum seekers from traveling to the US, as they want to. That the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica Monday (local time) said.

  • Dead in prison riot in Guatemala

    Dead in prison riot in Guatemala

    November 30, 2015 08:30 Hot Recent News

    At least six people were killed Sunday in a prison uprising in Guatemala. Some of those detained have been armed with automatic weapons. The army and special police units were deployed to retake the prison, said a spokesman for the prison system.

  • ' Held Syrians Honduras seeking work'

    November 19, 2015 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The six Syrians were arrested in Honduras with false passports seeking work and have nothing to do with terrorism. They were not heading to the US but to Guatemala, said a source in the US government.

  • Zee TV comedian elections Guatemala close

    Zee TV comedian elections Guatemala close

    October 26, 2015 09:48 Hot Recent News

    At the second and final round of presidential elections in the Central American Guatemala is showing signs of a clear victory for the popular TV comedian Jimmy Morales. The candidate of the nationalist party FCN state after counting more than half of the votes more than 74 percent of voters.

  • TV comedian favorite in Guatemala

    TV comedian favorite in Guatemala

    October 21, 2015 19:53 Hot Recent News

    The popular TV comedian Jimmy Morales has great chance Sunday to be the new president of the Central American Guatemala. In an extensive survey Wednesday by the newspaper Prensa Libre was the candidate of the Nationalist Party FCN count on support from no less than 67.9 percent of voters.

  • Guatemala cease search for victims

    Guatemala cease search for victims

    October 14, 2015 10:23 Hot Recent News

    The search for victims of a massive landslide in Guatemala has been suspended. The disaster came certainly 280 people died. Seventy people are still missing , reported the National Disaster Management Coordination ( Conred ) Tuesday.

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