• Germans never drank so much beer

    Germans never drank so much beer

    January 29, 2016 20:07 Hot Recent News

    Germans never drunk as much beer as last year. According to the Statistics Office Destatis in 2015 was 79.5 million hectoliters of beer drinking. That is the least since 1991, when it was started tracking the figures.

  • Riots in Rome: skating on urine and beer
    0 Comment 118

    Riots in Rome: skating on urine and beer

    rome January 12, 2016 15:21 Hot Recent News

    ,, You could skate on the low urine and beer. '' That 's how a policeman Tuesday in court in Rome the situation on the Piazza di Spagna on February 19, 2015, ahead of the Europa League match between AS Roma and Feyenoord. Another agent told that it rained beer bottles.

  • Cozy night is hell on earth

    Cozy night is hell on earth

    November 15, 2015 07:15 Hot Recent News

    It should be a nice weekend Paris. Four Dutch boys who have tickets for their favorite band Eagles of Death. Shortly before the concert, they still pose together smiling with a beer on Facebook. Less than an hour later they're in hell on Earth and trying to get them crawling over the bodies away from the stately Bataclan Theatre.

  • Canadian tantrum gets tail

    Canadian tantrum gets tail

    toronto October 15, 2015 21:04 Hot Recent News

    A fan of the Canadian baseball's Toronto Blue Jays will have to answer after a tantrum after a controversial decision by the referee to court. It can of beer out of anger that he threw to the field, namely clipped just missing a baby . The child did get beer over him .

  • Beer assails Russian mall

    Beer assails Russian mall

    October 15, 2015 10:31 Hot Recent News

    A large brown bear is Wednesday night in the eastern Russian city Gabarovsk to the dismay of the public and staff entered a shopping center in the city. The animal was trapped and gradually began to run in panic to and fro, bystanders ignoring.

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