Without a drop of gasoline to Adelaide

A 32-year-old Dutchman managed to drive without a drop of petrol from the Houten in Houten to the Australian Adelaide.

In June, Wakker arrived by ship in Darwin, in the far north of Australia. He drove to Perth along the west coast. After a break, he started a difficult stretch across the Nullarbor plain. 'A bare plain without trees, 800 kilometers long. It is an epic trip because you do not see anything at all. A part of it is straight on for 240 kilometers without a bend. Many people said: you will never get that. 'Wakker succeeded, thanks to the few 'roadhouses' that stand here and there. Charging poles are not there, because Australians are not so familiar with electric driving, but Wakker could plug his car plug into the socket. 'With a charging station you can charge the car in one hour, with a normal socket you need twelve hours. I had planned it so that I arrived in the evening, loaded it at night and drove on the next morning. '