Much delay due to high emergency in airplane

A flight from the American airline Delta Air Lines has been caused by a high-speed passenger.

That reports ABC News. Passenger Krista Rosolino, who partially shot the incident, told the man not to go to the toilet before taking off. After waiting for half an hour, the man said it was an emergency and he hurried to the toilet. Then he was told he had to leave the device.

Video footage shows how the passenger, Kima Hamilton, is in discussion with an employee. 'I need more information sir,' Hamilton responds after hearing that he has to leave. 'I have done nothing. I paid for my ticket and have to go home. '

Eventually, according to Rosolino, all passengers had to leave the unit and reboot. She spoke of a 'two-hour soap in which we had to watch a man's goal being made because he needed to go to the toilet. 'Delta stressed in a response that passengers should follow instructions from the staff.