• Police: Amsterdam fake threat warning
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    Police: Amsterdam fake threat warning

    amsterdam November 17, 2015 18:15 Hot Recent News

    A message that sings about social media on a ' direct threat ' in the center of Amsterdam is fake, according to the police. " Whatsapp message on social media about the threat to Rembrandtplein and Leidseplein is a rumor," police wrote on Twitter. " No concrete evidence of threat. "

  • Gmail warns of unsafe mail

    Gmail warns of unsafe mail

    November 16, 2015 10:30 Hot Recent News

    Gmail users will warn of e- mails sent via encrypted connections. This was reported by Google 's own security blog. Google will warn people because research indicates that trying increasingly to intercept e- mail traffic.

  • Austria build fence on border with Slovenia

    Austria build fence on border with Slovenia

    November 13, 2015 13:15 Hot Recent News

    Austria is building a fence along the border with Slovenia to direct the flow of refugees in the right direction. Austrian media reports said. The fence at the border crossing at Spielfeld is 3.7 kilometers long and should be ready by the end of the year.

  • EU alarmed about violations in Turkey

    EU alarmed about violations in Turkey

    brussels November 10, 2015 12:45 Hot Recent News

    Turkey needs to better protect media freedom, resume the peace talks with the Kurds again and stop the spiral of violence and human rights violations. The European Commission's launch Tuesday the alarm in a report on the progress that Turkey 's accession to the EU. Brussels calls on the new government in Ankara to direct this work.

  • Cabinet loses appeal to eavesdrop

    Cabinet loses appeal to eavesdrop

    October 27, 2015 14:29 Hot Recent News

    The court in The Hague has also determined on appeal that the secret services AIVD and MIVD no phone calls allowed eavesdropping where a lawyer participates. This is only allowed if there is independent monitoring, but it is missing. If this is not within a few months yet, the government should stop eavesdropping.

  • Makers Popcorn Time stripped launch service

    Makers Popcorn Time stripped launch service

    October 23, 2015 18:02 Hot Recent News

    The legal commotion surrounding Popcorn Time is increasing and that the makers of the streaming service put up to launch a new service. Butter contains substantially the same building blocks as Popcorn Time, only the direct references to copyrighted material missing.

  • Summit on migrant crisis Balkans

    Summit on migrant crisis Balkans

    brussels October 22, 2015 09:56 Hot Recent News

    Ten European leaders Sunday again go to Brussels to discuss the refugee crisis. Jean-Claude Jucker, president of the European Commission convened them Wednesday to talk about migrants accumulation in the Balkans.

  • Google first investment in China since 2010

    Google first investment in China since 2010

    October 20, 2015 17:32 Hot Recent News

    Google has its first direct investment in China made ​​since the Internet giant 's land in 2010 largely abandoned because of concerns about censorship by Beijing. Tuesday was a "significant minority interest" announced in Mobvoi , a search engine based on voice which was founded by two former employees of Google.

  • The future is now

    The future is now

    November 2, 2015 23:24 Hot Recent News

    Tomorrow is October 21, 2015 , the day when Doc Brown and Marty McFly in Back to the Future II visit the future. What has become of the predictions that the creators of this futuristic action comedy from 1989 took over us today ?

  • Mexico : we are 'El Chapo ' heels

    Mexico : we are 'El Chapo ' heels

    October 17, 2015 10:50 Hot Recent News

    Mexican drug lord Joaquín " El Chapo " Guzmán was injured in the face and a leg when he was hit on the run for Mexican security forces. These are the last days very close to come of Guzmán, Mexico suggested Friday .

  • North Korea welcome to negotiating table

    North Korea welcome to negotiating table

    October 17, 2015 10:47 Hot Recent News

    North Korea is serious about ending its nuclear weapons program , the country is welcome at the negotiating table . US President Barack Obama and his South Korean counterpart Park Geun-hye expressed Friday in Washington unanimous: the door is open to North Korea's presidential leader Kim Jong -un .

  • Netflix menu KPN Interactive TV

    October 14, 2015 16:56 Hot Recent News

    KPN plans to add Netflix to the menu of the interactive television service . That let the group know on the site . Customers with a subscription can soon with their login details via the menu of Interactive TV direct access to Netflix.

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