• 'I had hope until the last moment'

    'I had hope until the last moment'

    totalan January 26, 2019 09:48 Hot Recent News

    His bike is no longer in front of the house. The notes from friends of Julen have also been received. The shutters in the neighborhood of El Palo are unopened. The neighborhood mourns the loss of the toddler.

  • Praying for miracle

    Praying for miracle

    malaga January 24, 2019 05:00 Hot Recent News

    'Do you already know something? Is there any news? ', Says neighbor Angela in El Palo, an old fishing village just outside of Malaga. She lives right behind the house of toddler Julen, the boy who has been living for over ten...

  • Tears and hope in the district of Julen

    Tears and hope in the district of Julen

    el palo January 23, 2019 12:00 Hot Recent News

    'Do you already know something? Is there any news? 'Asks Angela, who lives in the street behind the toddler Julen, in the working-class district of El Palo, just outside of Malaga. The boy has been there for thirteen kilometers for ten days...

  • Accuser Kavanaugh still threatened

    Accuser Kavanaugh still threatened

    washington November 9, 2018 12:00 Hot Recent News

    The woman who accused former candidate chief judge Brett Kavanaugh for a Senate committee of sexual misconduct is still threatened more than a month later. Also, this Christine Blasey Ford has not yet been able to resume her work at Palo Alto University, reports American media.

  • Tesla wants to repair cars themselves

    Tesla wants to repair cars themselves

    palo alto September 16, 2018 23:16 Hot Recent News

    Tesla is planning to repair his cars from now on if there has been a collision. Damage repairers sometimes do a job for weeks or months, says CEO Elon Musk, 'and Tesla owners (and we) are crazy about that.'

  • 'I thought Kavanaugh would kill me'

    'I thought Kavanaugh would kill me'

    washington September 16, 2018 22:32 Hot Recent News

    An American woman who says she was sexually abused by candidate chief judge Brett Kavanaugh, comes out. So far it was anonymous accusations, but Sunday Washington Post puts an interview with the woman, Christine Blasey Ford.

  • Italy rejects Austria's South Tyrol plan
    0 Comment 107

    Italy rejects Austria's South Tyrol plan

    rome September 8, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    The Italian Government strongly rejects Austria's plan to offer Austrian citizens the Austrian nationality. She has learned that Vienna is working on a legal text that allows the inhabitants of the Alto Adige province, regardless of whether they speak German or Italian, to give an Austrian passport. 'That initiative is misplaced because of the disturbing founding effect that may possibly go,' said Rome in a reaction.

  • Elon Musk helps cave boys

    Elon Musk helps cave boys

    palo alto July 6, 2018 09:36 Hot Recent News

    Billionaire Elon Musk thinks that the Thai football players can be freed from the cave in which they are trapped by running them through the air-filled tube to the exit. The top man of maker of electric cars Tesla, space company SpaceX and tunnel boring company The Boring Company suggested that on Twitter. Musk sends technicians from SpaceX and The Boring Company to Thailand to help.

  • Crashed Tesla drove himself

    Crashed Tesla drove himself

    palo alto May 17, 2018 16:03 Hot Recent News

    The Tesla on Friday with almost 100 kilometers per hour crashed into a fire truck in the American state of Utah had the Autopilot on. The function with which the car can partly drive independently has been under a magnifying glass for some time because of previous accidents, where the question is whether the system was not working properly or the fault lies with the driver.

  • Donald Trump blocks Chinese purchase

    Donald Trump blocks Chinese purchase

    washington September 13, 2017 23:36 Hot Recent News

    President Donald Trump has blocked the sale of the American manufacturer of semiconductor Lattice to an investment company with Chinese background. He gave Beijing a clear signal that Washington does not tolerate transactions with technology that can be used for military purposes.

  • Musk supplies third world war by AI

    Musk supplies third world war by AI

    palo alto September 4, 2017 19:33 Hot Recent News

    If there is a third world war, this is due to artificial intelligence (AI). Of that, Elon Musk, the great man behind Tesla, is convinced. On Monday he spoke on the issue of statements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday.

  • Dirty shower for German rider convertible

    Dirty shower for German rider convertible

    alto munster April 10, 2017 13:03 Hot Recent News

    A 53-year-old motorist discovered that maybe he should stay away from his convertible with manure carts. The man and his fourteen year old daughter had a ride after required by the German state of Bavaria both a shower and a new car.

  • Musk remains advisory Trump

    Musk remains advisory Trump

    palo alto February 3, 2017 10:42 Hot Recent News

    Elon Musk, the entrepreneur behind PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX, remains in the council that the US president Donald Trump advises. Commissioned by Musk in a statement on Twitter know. Uber-founder and-topman Travis Kala Nick let his staff Thursday yet know from the counsel Trump advises switching economy.

  • VR Jaunt company opens office in Amsterdam

    VR Jaunt company opens office in Amsterdam

    amsterdam July 25, 2016 10:12 Hot Recent News

    Virtual reality company Jaunt will open an office in Amsterdam. The Jaunt founded in 2013 develops hardware, software, and applications in the field of virtual reality. Include Walt Disney and Google Ventures are investors in the company headquartered in Palo Alto, California. The Amsterdam office is the former naval base.

  • Malware continues to ten years under the radar

    Malware continues to ten years under the radar

    May 3, 2016 08:14 Hot Recent News

    Cyber ​​Security guards discovered a malware that has been active for ten years. All that time he managed to stay under the radar, probably because he was very focused and deployed on a small scale. The program is probably the work of Iranian spies against their own people and against governments and companies in several countries, including Israel.

  • Mac Dangerous virus emerges

    Mac Dangerous virus emerges

    March 7, 2016 09:56 Hot Recent News

    A dangerous virus for the Mac does not currently round. The so-called ransomware was incorporated into a version of downloadapp Transit. It seems that hackers have cracked the website of the authors and have replaced the legitimate version of the program with an infected version.

  • Apps hostage Android phones

    Apps hostage Android phones

    February 19, 2016 15:14 Hot Recent News

    There are dozens of apps that threaten phones with the Android operating system. They try to find out, among other bank details and credit card information of users. There are also applications that can 'hijack' the phone. The attackers demand ransom from the victim user to release the smartphone again.

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