• Plane crashes almost drone in Munich
    0 Comment 103

    Plane crashes almost drone in Munich

    August 6, 2016 11:54 Hot Recent News

    A passenger plane of Lufthansa shortly before landing in Munich nearly collided with a drone. German police take the matter seriously and showed Saturday that the flight of the little machine owner can face prosecution.

  • Greek consulate in Frankfurt daubed

    frankfurt August 2, 2016 10:12 Hot Recent News

    Strangers have the Consulate General of Greece in Frankfurt, Germany and daubed bombarded with fireworks. According to the police they dyed in English the slogan 'Stop murder of refugees' on the facade of the building in the district Bockenheim.

  • Bakker makes sales rise

    Bakker makes sales rise

    frankfurt July 25, 2016 19:24 Hot Recent News

    A baker from Frankfurt has turnover been up for months with special commercialism. Besides sagging buns and hard rolls, he also sold potency pills Indian brand Kamagra banned in Germany. Which contains the same active ingredient as Viagra.

  • Dismissal with compensation after asking for 'negerzoen '

    Dismissal with compensation after asking for 'negerzoen '

    frankfurt July 19, 2016 17:24 Hot Recent News

    A manager of travel agency Thomas Cook in the German town of Oberursel who had ordered a negerzoen,, '' the Cameroonian origin canteen lady, can not be dismissed without compensation. Tuesday decided that the labor court in Frankfurt. The sweet pastry called in Germany today a Schokokuss. The name negerzoen has been abolished in most countries because that would be racist.

  • Greatest band ever playing in Frankfurt

    Greatest band ever playing in Frankfurt

    frankfurt July 9, 2016 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The greatest band ever Saturday gave a performance at the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt. Exactly 7548 musicians played as sober as possible together in the temple of football Eintracht to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The symphonic army brought alongside works by Dvorak and Beethoven to sing a song from the musical Starlight Express and the evergreen 'Music was my first love.'

  • Prison for 'deviser attack 'German cycling race

    Prison for 'deviser attack 'German cycling race

    frankfurt July 4, 2016 12:15 Hot Recent News

    The man put a stripe whose alleged plans for an attack last year by a Frankfurter cycling race, on Monday sentenced to two and a half years in prison. The court found the Turkish German Halil D. guilty of prohibited weapons and explosives possession and forgery.

  • German Police shoot armed hostage death

    German Police shoot armed hostage death

    June 23, 2016 20:09 Hot Recent News

    Dozens of German cinema-goers stood Thursday near Mannheim hours terrified. An armed man was around three o'clock, when the cinema was in place Viernheim full of children, arrived armed. He hostage group, an elite unit of the German police intervened and shot and killed the man.

  • Dalai Lama: 'There are too many refugees'

    Dalai Lama: 'There are too many refugees'

    frankfurt June 1, 2016 14:48 Hot Recent News

    There are too many immigrants in Europe and it is not intended that Germany is an Arab country. These are not the sayings of a right-wing German politician, but remarkably that of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists.

  • Prison for 'cocaine-silicone'

    frankfurt May 30, 2016 15:45 Hot Recent News

    A 24-year-old Colombian was sentenced Monday in Frankfurt to 2.5 years in prison for smuggling 850 grams of cocaine in specially made breast implants.

  • Elderly comes with kilos of cyanide

    Elderly comes with kilos of cyanide

    frankfurt May 25, 2016 12:57 Hot Recent News

    A 86-year-old insect expert has surrendered at the Frankfurt police, to everyone's amazement over a kilo of highly toxic cyanide. The elderly woman said to have been the stuff of the wife of a deceased colleague.

  • Drunken Dutchman pushes woman in Main

    frankfurt May 23, 2016 09:00 Hot Recent News

    A drunken Dutchman Sunday in Frankfurt an elderly German woman pushed into the river Main. The 77-year-old woman knew himself to swim to shore. The thirty Dutchman was overpowered by a witness. In a police cell he had to sleep it off.

  • Many tips on German serial killer

    May 21, 2016 11:18 Hot Recent News

    The German police has so far been within fifty tips about the suspected serial killer Manfred S. Below are some very useful, said a spokesman of the special investigative assistance team Saturday.,, If we are lucky, there is a hit on. ''

  • iPhone 6 is the most expensive in Brazil

    iPhone 6 is the most expensive in Brazil

    frankfurt May 20, 2016 08:24 Hot Recent News

    Nowhere in the world is an iPhone 6 as expensive as in Brazil. The unit costs are converted 931 dollars, about 830 euros. Indonesia is in second place with a prize of $ 865 (770) euro, Sweden is third with 796 dollars (710 euros).

  • German was deceased serial killer

    German was deceased serial killer

    May 19, 2016 14:03 Hot Recent News

    A German who died at the age of 67 in 2014 was a serial killer, who may have more murders on his tally than the six that have so far come to light. That said a spokesman for the investigation in Hessen Thursday.

  • 1100 boat people rescued in Sicily

    1100 boat people rescued in Sicily

    rome May 17, 2016 07:00 Hot Recent News

    For the coast of Sicily on Monday rescued boat people in 1153 within hours. They were smuggling ships en route from North Africa to Europe, but were on the high seas run into trouble, reports the Italian Coast Guard.

  • Volkswagen share tears up

    Volkswagen share tears up

    April 20, 2016 12:56 Hot Recent News

    At the fair in Frankfurt was the price of Volkswagen today on the rise because of the hope that the troubled German car group can reach a settlement in the US about the shoddy diesel engines.

  • Stripper with gun caused great uproar

    Stripper with gun caused great uproar

    frankfurt April 17, 2016 16:56 Hot Recent News

    Surrounded by passersby gave a man with a helmet and a rifle in Frankfurt rise to great uproar. The publicity attracted the 30-year-old man Saturday night near the station, a bulletproof vest with 'FBI' lettering, put a helmet on his head and put a gun in his bag.

  • 'Offshore Firms are legally '

    'Offshore Firms are legally '

    frankfurt April 4, 2016 14:14 Hot Recent News

    Banks have stressed Monday that the offshore companies, where Sunday so much commotion about arose, legal institutions. A spokesman for Deutsche Bank said,, we have improved our practice of accepting clients. We examine what kind of things we have to do and assure us that we comply with all rules and regulations. '

  • Hugo Boss goes on sale

    Hugo Boss goes on sale

    February 24, 2016 11:28 Hot Recent News

    The share of the luxury fashion label Hugo Boss was at the fair in Frankfurt again dumped by investors. The previous day the German company was already a hard slider.

  • ESA launches new satellite

    ESA launches new satellite

    frankfurt February 16, 2016 21:14 Hot Recent News

    The European Space Agency on Tuesday launched a new satellite. The artificial satellite should help scientists in the future to follow the global warming and weather phenomena and predicting El NiƱo.

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