• Attack on bus in Egypt

    Attack on bus in Egypt

    cairo November 2, 2018 15:00 Hot Recent News

    At least seven people were killed in Egypt by an attack on a bus. Fourteen others were injured. The bus was on its way to a Coptic monastery in Minya in Upper Egypt.

  • Saudi Arabia is bombing targets in Yemen again

    Saudi Arabia is bombing targets in Yemen again

    cairo November 2, 2018 09:00 Hot Recent News

    The coalition led by Saudi Arabia has carried out a bombing of air force targets at the international airport of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. The rocket attack was mainly focused on a launch site of drones and ballistic missiles, said a coalition spokesperson on al-Ekhbaria TV.

  • Death penalty for 75 Islamists Egypt

    Death penalty for 75 Islamists Egypt

    cairo September 8, 2018 14:00 Hot Recent News

    An Egyptian court sentenced 75 people to the death penalty for their involvement in an action in 2013 for the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. Among the convicts are the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Essam al-Erian and Mohamed Beltag. The prominent Islamist clergyman Safwat Higazi also awaits the death penalty, reported legal sources in Cairo.

  • Bobos lose sight of the football

    Bobos lose sight of the football

    cairo August 29, 2018 18:48 Hot Recent News

    Arab football directors, already not known for their clean hands, have been making a lot of fur lately. For example, an Egyptian bobo is threatening the mother of the country's best player, the Palestinian federation president calls for an 'iconoclasm' against Lionel Messi and in Iraq they wear mature players to shave well so that they can join a youth team.

  • Very old cheese found in tomb
    0 Comment 176

    Very old cheese found in tomb

    cairo August 15, 2018 20:00 Hot Recent News

    Scientists have probably found the oldest cheese in the world in an Egyptian tomb from the thirteenth century BC. The tomb of Ptahmes, mayor of Memphis thousands of years ago, was excavated in 1885 but disappeared again under sandstorms. The rediscovery followed in 2010.

  • Security service foams the Cairo bomb attack

    Security service foams the Cairo bomb attack

    cairo August 11, 2018 15:33 Hot Recent News

    Egyptian security officials have foiled a bomb attack on a church just outside of Cairo. The state television has announced this on Saturday. A suicide bomber was on his way to the prayer house in Qalyubiyah with a vest full of explosives. When he was stopped at about 250 meters in front of the entrance, he blew himself up. There were no other victims.

  • Peace agreement signed in South Sudan

    Peace agreement signed in South Sudan

    cairo August 5, 2018 20:33 Hot Recent News

    The warring parties in South Sudan signed a peace agreement on Sunday. This is what Al-Dirdiri Mohamed, the foreign minister of neighboring Sudan, announced. Mohamed has mediated between the parties. In the African country, a bloody civil war raged over the past five years.

  • Shark kills tourist in Egypt
    0 Comment 200

    Shark kills tourist in Egypt

    cairo August 4, 2018 21:28 Hot Recent News

    A Czech tourist was attacked by a shark on the coast of Egypt and died. The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported to the news site Echo that the 41-year-old man was diving at the Marsa Alam tourist resort on the Red Sea. That place in the south of Egypt is popular with divers and snorkelers.

  • French research: fire cause crash EgyptAir

    French research: fire cause crash EgyptAir

    paris July 7, 2018 06:57 Hot Recent News

    The French Air Safety Investigation Board casts doubt on Egypt's conclusions about the incident of the air crash with EgyptAir's aircraft in 2016. According to the research council (BEA), a fire has most likely caused the Airbus to be taken on board in the Mediterranean with 66 people. collapsed.

  • 'Son of leader IS perished'

    'Son of leader IS perished'

    cairo July 3, 2018 22:00 Hot Recent News

    Hudayfah al-Badri, a son of the ideological leader of the Sunni extremists of Islamic State (IS) Abu Bakr al-Baghadi, was killed according to a news channel from IS. 'Al-Badri, the son of the caliph' was killed in fighting in the Syrian city of Homs in the power plant with the alawites and the Russians, according to the report.

  • Egyptian army kills militants in Sinai

    Egyptian army kills militants in Sinai

    cairo May 17, 2018 12:06 Hot Recent News

    During the confrontations between the Egyptian army and Islamic militants in Sinai in recent days, nineteen militants have been killed and twenty others have been arrested, the army reports on Thursday. This brings the total number of deaths since the beginning of the military operation to 296, of whom 35 soldiers.

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