Kindergarten is fined for lemonade stew

Four overweight enforcement officers have cried a five-year-old girl by fining her for her lemonade stall.

That's what the British news site says Sky News. Andre Spicer and his daughter opened the stall near their house in Mile End, east of London. For a friendly price of 50 cents per snack, the girl started out with her first company.

It did not take long for the enforcement officers to spot the 'illegal trafficking' and gave the girl a 100 pound vigorous picture (about 175 euros) because they acted without permission. 'Then she burst into tears and cried,' I've done a bad thing, 'says her father. The piepy lemonade trader star is especially angry and sad after the incident. 'She was so proud of her shop. Very sour she had to break it down. '

A spokesman for the Tower Hamlets district declared that the fine would be canceled and that the girl and her father would be excused. 'We are sorry that this has happened. We expect our officials to use their common sense. This is clearly not happening here. '