Bet bomrobot raises questions

The shooter in Dallas opened fire on officers, was ultimately death through the use of a 'bomrobot.

,, In a war, the aim is to kill, but to maintain the law is yet another mission '' says Rick Nelson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He also points out that the availability of funds as a bomrobot can ensure that other options quickly lose weight with agents themselves must undertake a dangerous action against a suspect.

Reportedly, the bomrobot not previously used by US police as now in Dallas. Robots are already being used, for example, to deliver a mobile phone or pizzas in hostage situations. US media reports Saturday that robots as the Andros F6B in Iraq used by the US military to disable the enemy with a blast.
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The deployment of the bomrobot Dallas can count on much understanding in police circles in the US. Police in New York told myself,, to have access to such equipment. ' Many lawyers also do not see any impediment.,, No court will have a problem with it, 'Ryan Calo thinks of the University of Washington. Critics say that the police did take a risk in Dallas because the explosive could have cause a fire or other damage. There is no possibility to question the offender to his motive.

Lawyers and human rights activists have previously called the government to think carefully about the deployment of increasingly heavy resources by the police, because the border would be blurring between soldiers and officers. Others point precisely on the growing violence in American society and the ongoing threat of terrorism. That reality would require new tactics and weaponry.