Where did you bury the corpse?

The question to the man who came out of the woods with a shovel in his hand, was intended as a joke, 'And where did you bury the body?' Eight months later near that spot in the woods found the corpse of a woman.

Karen Ristevski (47) disappeared in June last year after an argument with her husband in Melbourne. The man with the shovel, according to the Australian press Borce Ristevski. He was arrested because the motorist who saw him at walking in the dark with the shovel, contact the police searched. Borce had always maintained that his wife was going to walk and had not returned.

The man with the shovel was evening on the deserted road by accident by the driver in the light of his headlights caught. The man did not answer the question merry where he had buried the corpse. He looked at the driver with empty eyes, turned and disappeared into the forest. Ristevski's lawyer said Wednesday his client: 'He's suspect number one. '