Ultra-right looks steady by Trump

The statements by President Trump on Tuesday that the violence in Charlottesville came from two sides has strengthened the ultra-right movement in the United States.

'Thank you, President for your honesty and courage to say the truth,' former Ku Klux Clan leader David Duke told the press conference on which Trump showed understanding for right-wing protesters.

The activists protested Saturday in Charlottesville against the removal of a statue of General Robert E. Lee. 'Washington and Jefferson also had slaves,' said Trump. 'Do they have to leave their statues? Is George Washington in turn next week and Thomas Jefferson? What does this mean? '

Even the ultra-right leader Richard Spencer, who participated in the violent demonstration in Virginia on weekends, called the statement 'honestly and with two feet on the ground. '

In many other Americans, the comments were right in the wrong throat. Also in his own party, Trump's reaction to the racist violence, in which a woman came to life, is bad.

The first reaction of Trump to the violence in the city of Virginia also caused a storm to criticize. He then expressed himself in neutral tone about violence, without mentioning the ultra-right protesters.

Monday, under the great political pressure of Democrats and Republicans, Trump still condemned the right extremists.