Trump in fighter video on the fist with CNN

US President Donald Trump raised his fate with the media to new heights on Sunday by placing a fiction video of himself with CNN on Twitter.

The video appears to be a modified version of a Trump performance in 2007 at a wrestling event. In that, Trump opposes President Vince McMahon of World Wrestling Entertainment's WrestleMania 23 (WWE). In Sunday's video, McMahon's head was replaced by the CNN logo.

Trump appointed McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon, to head of the Small Business Administration, an agency affiliated with his cabinet. She had been active in the management of the wrestling event for many years.

The video appears to be a modified version of a Trump performance in 2007 at a wrestling event. In that, Trump opposes President Vince McMahon of World Wrestling Entertainment's WrestleMania 23 (WWE). In Sunday's video, McMahon's head was replaced by the CNN logo.

Trump appointed McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon, to head of the Small Business Administration, an agency affiliated with his cabinet. She had been active in the management of the wrestling event for many years.