Zuckerberg is also in charge of fines in Brussels

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will once again apologize on Tuesday for the role of his company in the abuse of private data of users in the scandal around Cambridge Analytica.

The company has released part of the testimony of Zuckerberg. The executive acknowledges that the company has made mistakes, but he will emphasize that Facebook invests a lot in Europe, by pointing out activities in Paris, London and open data centers in Sweden, Ireland and Denmark.

' We are involved in Europe '', says Zuckerberg. 'We share many of the values ​​that Europeans care about the most: from the importance of human rights and the need for community to a love of technology. '' He will also point to the refugees in Europe who keep in touch with their families via Facebook and the role of the network in attacks. Users can then indicate whether they are safe.

Zuckerberg is questioned by parliamentary leaders of parliament on Tuesday evening in Brussels.

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