Weinstein law must protect models

After the scandals around Harvey Weinstein, US authorities also want legal measures to be taken.

Nily Rozic wants to adjust anti-discrimination laws. Designers and photographers are subsequently responsible for sexual abuse taking place under their watchful eye.

Until now, models were poorly protected, because they often work as a kind of freelancer. As a result, they fall into a kind of gray area. Whoever is responsible for malpractice is often unclear, writes The New York Times.

'The goal is to reduce the silence, because it was alive,' says Rozic. New York is seen as the heart of the model industry, so the state now takes measures is not strange.

Trish Goff, former model, thinks it's time for action: 'It was not uncommon for you to come into a situation where a photographer thought he was entitled to your body. That was terrible. '