Students design robot suit for paralyzed

Let people with a transverse lesion run as smoothly as possible using a robotic suit.

Ruben de Sain, self-trauma patient, is going to try the suit publicly. The students will then go to the Cybathlon Experience in October, which they describe as a kind of Paralympic Games with bionic tools. They hope to show that someone with paralyzed legs can get up from a low bench, walk over rough terrain or even get upstairs.

'Walking also contributes to overall mental and physical fitness and has a beneficial effect on additional complications of a transverse lesion such as bladder and intestinal problems,' says Ilse van Nes, rehabilitation physician at St. Maarten's Clinic. But, according to Ruben de Sain, who is already familiar with it, it means more: 'That you can just stand back and see family and friends at eye level after ten years gives me a very nice feeling. ''