EU wants to help migrants in Greek winter

The European Union does its utmost to prevent migrants stuck on Greek islands from being exposed to winter conditions again.

At Lesbos, Chios and Samos, almost 15,000 migrants live. At the end of this year, there are 2,000 housing units available, but that is not enough. Avramopoulos called on local authorities to work better. He spoke of a difficult situation.

Sophie in 't Veld (D66) called it 'an absolute shame that risking people on the richest continent to freeze. 'Judith Sargentini (GroenLinks) said that the Greek government consciously warned people on the islands for fear of' sucking action '. 'Take them to the mainland and relocate them to other Member States. '

Kati Piri (PvdA) fears that migrants 'creep in tenths', while Europe has made millions of millions available. 'Other countries can help by immediately stopping returning asylum seekers to Greece and by taking over more refugees. '