• Kill again by bad weather Italy

    Kill again by bad weather Italy

    lillianes November 1, 2018 13:00 Hot Recent News

    The harsh autumn weather is not over in Italy yet. On Thursday, two people were killed again. The car they were in was crushed by a falling tree. The accident occurred at the town of Lillianes, in Valle d'Aosta, north of Turin.

  • Scientists discover 'mummy recipe'

    Scientists discover 'mummy recipe'

    turin August 17, 2018 20:32 Hot Recent News

    Take sesame oil, an extract from the roots of water cane, gum from an acacia and resin from a conifer. Mix well, arrange a few meters of linen wrappers and a mortal remains, and you can make a real Egyptian mummy.

  • Two dead and wounded in train accident Italy

    Two dead and wounded in train accident Italy

    uncle May 24, 2018 06:21 Hot Recent News

    In a train failure near Turin in northern Italy, at least two deaths occurred during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. At least eighteen people were injured, reported Italian media. A regional train was crashed into a truck at a railway crossing and derailed with two wagons.

  • Rome scared of attacks at Easter

    Rome scared of attacks at Easter

    rome March 31, 2018 07:15 Hot Recent News

    Italian authorities hold their hearts for Easter attacks, the most important feast for Christianity. The outgoing Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti warns that Muslim terrorists have Rome in their sights.

  • Investor more comfortable on Italy

    Investor more comfortable on Italy

    amsterdam February 26, 2018 07:57 Hot Recent News

    The fourth economy of Europe would become uncontrollable by the elections on 4 March, leave the EU and discharge the euro. The new government is almost certainly moving to the right, while extremes on the left and right are trumpeting loudly. But worries on financial markets over Italy are declining drastically.

  • 'Abduction photo model Chloe (20) is publicity stunt'

    'Abduction photo model Chloe (20) is publicity stunt'

    london September 25, 2017 22:00 Hot Recent News

    The alleged abduction of 20-year-old British model model Chloe Ayling is 'one big publicity stunt'. That claimed the attorney of Michal Konrad Herba, 36, the brother of the main verdict Lukasz Herba, on Monday in a London court. The last summer kidnapping case continues to be puzzled by riddles.

  • Emergency state due to water shortages in Italy

    Emergency state due to water shortages in Italy

    rome June 23, 2017 14:42 Hot Recent News

    Continuing heat leads to ever-increasing water shortages in Italy. In two provinces, the situation is so depressing that the government in Rome has proclaimed the state of emergency on Friday. Italian health is also at risk of high temperatures. For example, the cities of Bologna, Turin and Florence have been redone code for this weekend.

  • Panic in Turin after 'joke'

    Panic in Turin after 'joke'

    turin June 3, 2017 21:57 Hot Recent News

    With spectators of the Champions League final at San Carlo Square in Turin, massive panic broke out on Saturday night when someone called 'bomb, bomb!' It turned out to be a bad joke.

  • Race car drives on spectators

    Race car drives on spectators

    piemonte May 27, 2017 15:45 Hot Recent News

    A 6 year old child died in Italian Piedmont on Saturday when a racing car entered a number of spectators. This is what the Italian press agency Ansa reports. The parents of the child and a bystander were also injured.

  • Rio into disrepair after play

    Rio into disrepair after play

    rio de janeiro February 18, 2017 14:39 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of spectators, athletes and cheers have in Rio de Janeiro given way to silence and decay. The site, where last year a summer Olympics were held, is abandoned, the lawns are discolored and the pools filled with dirty water.

  • Weather died skiers in Alps
    0 Comment 124

    Weather died skiers in Alps

    turin February 18, 2017 10:39 Hot Recent News

    Weather died three skiers. Three Italians Friday did not return from an excursion in the Alps on the border of Italy and France. A search by rescuers Saturday gave the like of the guide and the couple that he escorted near the Italian town of Cesana.

  • France says nothing about itinerary Amri

    France says nothing about itinerary Amri

    paris December 23, 2016 22:39 Hot Recent News

    The French authorities do not confirm yet it Anis Amri, the 24-year-old Tunisian who traveled gave a bloodbath with a hijacked truck on a Christmas market in Berlin, through France to Italy. Since the suspected terrorist was shot dead Friday.

  • Controversial vet falls into canyon and dies

    Controversial vet falls into canyon and dies

    December 15, 2016 15:54 Hot Recent News

    The controversial Italian veterinarian Luciano Ponzetto has recently come to life after he during a hunt in a ravine had fallen in Turin. The avid hunter was when he was alive lot of criticism because he often pictures of animals he shot put online while he posed with.

  • Renzi makes last call

    Renzi makes last call

    florence December 2, 2016 22:24 Hot Recent News

    Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has Friday night in Florence made a final, urgent appeal on Italian voters to support him. They speak Sunday in a referendum on constitutional changes needed for reform. If his plan comes through then Italy could become one of the strongest countries in Europe, Renzi told his audience.

  • Flooding Italy makes hundreds homeless

    Flooding Italy makes hundreds homeless

    November 25, 2016 16:18 Hot Recent News

    Rome Water Over Nuisance certainly four hundred people homeless in the provinces of Cuneo and Turin in northwest Italy. Several villages have been cut off from the outside world, according to the Italian news agency ANSA on Friday.

  • 'Italian mafia clan works with IS '

    'Italian mafia clan works with IS '

    rome October 17, 2016 19:36 Hot Recent News

    The notorious' Ndrangheta in the southern Italian region of Calabria cooperates with IS. The organization supplying weapons to the Islamic terrorist group in exchange for valuable archaeological objects that IS has captured in Arab countries. This allows the Italian newspaper La Stampa following a report by its reporter Domenico Quirico. In the port of Gioia Tauro in Calabria, where the cocaine where the 'Ndrangheta acts enters the archaeological treasures by IS captured sorted.

  • First gay couples give Italy vows

    First gay couples give Italy vows

    rome August 6, 2016 14:54 Hot Recent News

    Throughout Italy this weekend held the first 'marriage ceremonies' for homosexual couples. people of the same sex can now enter into an officially registered partnership due to new legislation. Italy is the latest Western European country where it was completely impossible until now.

  • 'Turin should vega city'

    'Turin should vega city'

    July 22, 2016 16:09 Hot Recent News

    The mayor of the Italian city of Turin has a remarkable priority. In the city-state in the next five years to promote a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle on the program. The plan strikes a chord with the locals, who can not imagine a life without traditional Italian meat dishes.

  • Italian brothers convicted in asbestos case

    Italian brothers convicted in asbestos case

    July 18, 2016 17:27 Hot Recent News

    The Italian business brothers Carlo and Franco De Benedetti on Monday sentenced to five years and two months in prison for the death of twelve workers due to asbestos in their typewritten texts and computer company Olivetti. Former Industry Minister Corrado Passera, which between 2011 and 2013 was CEO at Olivetti, received one year and eleven months.

  • Artist Christo helps Pope Francis
    0 Comment 114

    Artist Christo helps Pope Francis

    rome May 11, 2016 17:56 Hot Recent News

    The Bulgarian-American artist Christo supports Pope Francis in his efforts to raise money for the children in the impoverished Central African Republic. Christo is world famous as 'package artist' of buildings. This time he takes less: he has three hundred numbered and signed DVD boxes in semi-transparent plastic wrapped.

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