• Mercedes shows safe parking space

    Mercedes shows safe parking space

    stuttgart September 26, 2018 17:16 Hot Recent News

    Where can you park your car safely? Mercedes will answer that question in the future. The German car manufacturer is working on an application that checks the available parking spaces at the final destination on the basis of public crime statistics.

  • Trials in German cities against Erdogan

    Trials in German cities against Erdogan

    berlin September 21, 2018 19:48 Hot Recent News

    In the run-up to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Germany, opponents of the head of state have planned a series of demonstrations. The organizers have announced protests in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Essen, Bremen, Hannover, Stuttgart and Bielefeld for Saturday afternoon.

  • Journalist at home after release in Turkey

    Journalist at home after release in Turkey

    stuttgart August 26, 2018 15:32 Hot Recent News

    After months of imprisonment in Turkey, the German Mesale Tolu has returned to Germany on Sunday. At the airport in Stuttgart Tolu said she can not be really happy about her release, because in Turkey hundreds of journalists, lawyers, students and political opponents of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are stuck.

  • Girl (17) almost stabbed to death by 'husband' and brother

    Girl (17) almost stabbed to death by 'husband' and brother

    laupheim March 3, 2018 12:21 Hot Recent News

    The partner and brother of a seventeen-year-old Libyan girl injured the young woman with knife stabs in Germany and sent images of this to the new friend of the victim. The men committed the assassination attempt because the pregnant teenager had a friend and wanted to get rid of the traditional Islamic marriage with a 34-year-old Syrian, reported German media Saturday.

  • Airplane on the ground to argue about champagne

    stuttgart December 10, 2017 17:57 Hot Recent News

    The pilot of an Airbus A320 had to make an unscheduled stopover in Stuttgart because of a passenger who wanted more champagne. The 44-year-old woman from Switzerland went through the ribbon according to the police when the crew refused.

  • Germany rolls up a large download network

    frankfurt November 10, 2017 10:18 Hot Recent News

    In Germany a large platform for illegal downloading of movies, TV series, music, software, games and e-books has been taken out of the air. The German-speaking UsenetRevolution.info network had about 27,000 members. The site was on servers in the Netherlands.

  • Mega jackpot is in Germany

    Mega jackpot is in Germany

    stuttgart September 16, 2017 10:27 Hot Recent News

    The main prize of 30.7 million euros from the Eurojackpot has fallen in Germany. Two lottery tickets from Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony broke the pot, a spokeswoman said Saturday.

  • Germans force Korean Boeing to land
    0 Comment 2553

    Germans force Korean Boeing to land

    stuttgart July 16, 2017 08:00 Hot Recent News

    German air force jetists have seized a Korean Air Boeing 777 on Saturday night and forced to land at Stuttgart Airport. The aircraft was in transit with 211 passengers from Seoul to Zurich, Switzerland, when the radio contact was suddenly discontinued, a spokesperson said. After the plane landed, a technical defect was detected, police said.

  • Passengers evacuated for 'possible attack'

    Passengers evacuated for 'possible attack'

    stuttgart June 18, 2017 14:48 Hot Recent News

    At the airport in Stuttgart on Sunday, 180 passengers were evacuated from a plane after a passenger accused a fellow passenger of bombing a bombing. That turned out to be an after-release alarm. The man who caused the heisa may turn up for the costs

  • Test Flight aviation 4G network successfully

    Test Flight aviation 4G network successfully

    london November 28, 2016 10:12 Hot Recent News

    The European broadband network for air passengers EAN is a step closer. A series of test flights was successfully completed over the UK, reporting Inmarsat, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia and Thales Monday. The European Aviation Network should be available mid next year.

  • German students rent rooms rose sharply

    German students rent rooms rose sharply

    October 4, 2016 06:39 Hot Recent News

    Students who live in Germany, more and more money on rent. Berlin rents rose between 2010 and 2016 by 37 percent, in Munich (24.8), Stuttgart (21.4) und Osnabrück (25.2), the increase was slightly less sharply. The rent increase has been studied by the Institute of German science Cologne (IW).

  • Mother not responsible for killing son

    Mother not responsible for killing son

    stuttgart July 27, 2016 10:09 Hot Recent News

    The mother of Tim Kretschmer, who killed fifteen people in 2009, will not run for the treatment who have injured and bereaved. The accident fund will not appeal the judge's ruling that the mother is not responsible.

  • Storms plaguing festivals

    Storms plaguing festivals

    June 26, 2016 05:51 Hot Recent News

    Visitors to the Hurricane Festival in Lower Saxony also saw the second evening of the event fall into the water by the heavy rains. No action could continue because of the storm.

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