Residents conquer Seattle Confederation Flag with Norwegian

Residents of Seattle were in turmoil earlier this week: who had suddenly hung the Confederate Flag under the American flag? It turned out not only to go to the flag in the United States, but to Norway's.

A group of Norwegians had settled in Seattle and wanted to support Norway's Olympic team by hanging the flag.

'Hi. Suddenly the Confederation flag hangs just before the house of my neighbors. I would like to know what this means, 'wrote a tip-writer according to the Seattle Times. 'Of course I will not knock at them. What's behind this? '

To be the first to have the scoop, a journalist from the Times quickly sat in the car to pick up the story. Only, soon he found out that it did not turn out to be such an exciting story. 'That is the Norwegian national flag', according to the owner of the suspended Norwegian flag. 'It has been hanging there since the start of the Games.