Prosecutors impose law to get Weinstein convicted

Harvey Weinstein is now in the hands of prosecutors.

Police sources tell TMZ that the public prosecutor in the southern district of New York is considering whether he can prosecute Weinstein for violating the so-called Mann Act. This law prohibits the transport of women and girls across state borders for prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose, and was initially introduced to prevent trafficking in women and girls. The phrase 'immoral purpose' makes it possible to interpret the law broadly.

According to the sources, the prosecutors here have at least one actress in mind in which case they can apply this law, because the film producer allowed her to fly from one state to another. They have to be able to prove that the former Hollywood hotshot had the intention in advance to rape her once at destination. This is difficult because Weinstein has up to now maintained that all his sexual interactions took place with mutual consent.

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