NATO chief warns Trump

On its own is not an option, not the US, not in Europe, says NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg.

He recalled that the NATO allies America rushed to help after the terrorist attacks of September 2001 in the northeastern US ' It is now important not to deepen the differences between the 28 member states of the Alliance, but now all that unites promoted under American leadership. ''

Trump is also selected thanks statements abroad which mainly costs money and jobs to the United States, according to him. He wants the US to interfere firstly with itself and then can be cut back sharply on what the country now spends in the international arena. NATO is dominated and largely funded by the US

Trump has also turned fiercely against international climate agreement and free trade agreements as with Canada and Mexico. Isolationism and protectionism that Trump stands for, will find much appreciation by opponents of globalization worldwide. One of the main initiators of the brexit, British politician Nigel Farage, was Saturday in New York as the first British politician since the US election on November 8 at Trump visit. The French party leader Marine Le Pen, which rages with her National Front against the EU and immigration, Trump has praised this weekend at the BBC as a shining example.