Germany also hold in horror clowns

Also in Germany spread horror clowns fear and terror.

On Monday it was announced that a costumed fool had threatened a ten year old boy with an ax. The boy cycled from Munich football training home and scared to death by the horror clown. A 48-year-old woman from Wesel was when she unsuspectingly out walking her dog attacked by a clown with chainsaw. In the East German Hagenow got a clown dressed as a man behind a toilet house with a knife on a woman. The brave lady grabbed her pepper spray and forced the attacker to flee.

According to psychologists may occur as severe traumatic grief. 'The scare has a long tradition, especially for Halloween,' said Jens Hoffmann of the Institute for threat management from Darmstadt.

Politicians are alarmed. 'These are not jokes,' said the Bavarian CSU Minister Joachim Herrmann. 'People are scared to death literally. '

There are also counter-reactions. For example, of young men who defend itself against the violent clowns, overpower them and molesting. That is not without danger, because the gangsters disguised opportunity weapons as throwing stars and butterfly knives.

Some young people with clown masks are arsonists. Salzwedel were nine cars in smoke. There are also to be pitied injuries. With a baseball bat was a perpetrator Bojan G. (14) off. The boy fled on a barbed wire fence and hung. It turned out you know to want to cause him anxiety.