Gepeste Matt is now a millionaire and gives a bully job

They probably did not feel like meeting, but the British multimillionaire Matt Fiddes (39) has changed the life of a bully from his youth by talking to him in a TV show thirty years later.

Sports enthusiast Matt Fiddes became a millionaire at the age of 21 after being extra motivated by all bullying to make something of his life. He is now the owner of no less than 700 (fighting) gyms.

Bully Anthony Reape (39), construction worker by profession, was depressed after his marriage ran aground. 'From the moment I met Matt, I knew that everything was going to change,' he told Daily Mail.

The two saw each other in the British breakfast show This Morning, after which they kept in touch and even became good friends. Anthony admitted in the show on national television that he had bullied Matt because he himself was insecure. Viewers found the interview 'inspiring' and the men decided to participate in anti-bullying campaigns across the country.

'Thanks to Matt, I have been given a new lease of life', says Anthony. He sported with Matt, fell twelve kilos and now runs a gym of the man he used to bully. 'I have a very different view of life and a lot of respect for Matt. '

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